Best Practices

Scientifically Proven Sustainability Practices

🌳 Plant trees to recover degraded and deforested land.

🐸 Revive hectares of land that have drained wetlands, to boost biodiversity, purify water and lock in carbon.

🌍 Restore hectares of degraded peatlands, which could sequester million of tonnes of CO2 annually.

🌾 Convert million of hectares of farmland to organic and biodynamic farming practices by, enhancing soil health, biodiversity and reducing chemical use.

🏡 Create urban green spaces to improve air quality, biodiversity, and the well-being of city dwellers across Europe.

🏜️ End desertification by planting trees and other vegetation to create a barrier between deserts and civilization.

💧 Restore rivers to free-flowing conditions by 2030.

🐠 Increasemarine protected areas to cover 30% seas, safeguarding marine biodiversity, and supporting sustainable fisheries.

🚰 Invest in desalination technology to end climate change and provide unlimited fresh water for all beings.

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