Call to Reinstate the Royal Family of Iran

Reinstatement of the Royal Family of Iran and Overthrow of the Djall Regime

Salam Alaikum (سلام علیکم). Barakallahu feek ( بارك الله فيك ).

Dear Muslims Brothers and Sisters, Children of the Holy Quran, students of Allah, Jesus and Muhammad, I call to you to answer a sacred prayer.

Iran is a beautiful land with beautiful and amazing souls. These peoples are being repressed by pure evil, an evil that has no claim to power. We therefore advocate and call for the reinstatement of the Royal Family of Iran. We demand that Reza Pahlavi, Crown Prince of Iran, re-claim his title and his Kingdom at once.

The Djall regime of Iran, which has established itself as a terrorist organization and enabler of global terrorism is an ally of Satan. They claim to uphold the Quran but they do nothing of the sort. They are an enemy of Prophet Muhammed, an enemy of Salam and an enemy of Allah.

The Djall regime has perpetuated a reign of terror, undermining peace, stability, and human rights within Iran and beyond. The restoration of the royal family represents a return to a legitimate, historically rooted governance structure that can bring stability, prosperity, and international cooperation back to Iran.

Satan is known as the great deciever, the distorter of truth. The Djall regime distorts the greatest lie of Islam that Shahada (martyrdom) is about violence. It is not. Martyrdom is about giving one's life in service to God. It has NOTHING to do with violence.

Martyrdom is an honor. A martyr (shahid) is granted a special status in the afterlife, with rewards and blessings from Allah. However, the decision to sacrifice one's life must align with Islamic principles and should not involve actions that harm innocent lives or violate Islamic teachings.


  1. Human Rights Violations: The Djall regime has committed egregious human rights abuses, including extrajudicial killings, torture, and widespread suppression of dissent. These actions have created a climate of fear and oppression, stifling the Iranian people's fundamental freedoms.

  2. Terrorism and International Destabilization: The Djall regime has been implicated in numerous terrorist activities, both within Iran and internationally. Its support for extremist groups has contributed to regional instability and global insecurity.

  3. Economic Mismanagement: Under the Djall regime, Iran's economy has suffered tremendously. Corruption, mismanagement, and sanctions have led to widespread poverty, unemployment, and a declining standard of living for the Iranian people.

  4. Cultural and Historical Legacy: The royal family of Iran represents a continuity of cultural and historical heritage that dates back centuries. Their reinstatement would symbolize a return to national pride, cultural preservation, and respect for Iran's rich history.

  5. International Relations: The Djall regime's aggressive foreign policy and antagonism towards the international community have isolated Iran. Reinstating the royal family could pave the way for renewed diplomatic relations and cooperation with other nations, fostering peace and mutual respect.


  1. Diplomatic Support: Engage international allies and organizations to garner diplomatic support for the reinstatement of the royal family and the condemnation of the Djall regime's actions.

  2. Sanctions and Pressure: Implement targeted sanctions against key figures within the Djall regime to weaken their hold on power while minimizing the impact on the general population.

  3. Support for Opposition Groups: Provide support to Iranian opposition groups that advocate for the reinstatement of the royal family and the establishment of a democratic governance structure.

  4. Humanitarian Assistance: Increase humanitarian aid to the Iranian people suffering under the Djall regime's oppressive policies, ensuring that aid reaches those most in need.

  5. Public Awareness Campaign: Launch a global campaign to raise awareness about the Djall regime's atrocities and the benefits of reinstating the royal family, highlighting the potential for a peaceful and prosperous Iran.


The reinstatement of the royal family of Iran and the overthrow of the Djall regime is not just a matter of restoring a legitimate governance structure; it is a moral imperative to end the suffering of the Iranian people and to counteract the destabilizing influence of a terrorist regime. This proposal calls for decisive action from the international community to support the Iranian people's aspirations for freedom, justice, and prosperity. By embracing this cause, we can contribute to a more stable, peaceful, and prosperous Middle East.

Statement from Reza Pahlavi, Crown Prince of Iran

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