Rebuking Spiritual Malpractice

Nurturing Goodness and Healing Our Communities

We must acknowledge Spiritual malpractice which is a perversion of the original teachings of Love and Kindness based upon ego-driven manifestations of patriarchalism and misogyny that protects the reputations of powerful institutions and individuals while debasing the rights of the wounded, their victims, causing even more physical, mental, emotional and spiritual torture; not to mention the different lifetimes of Karma earned.

Spiritual malpractice:

  • Perverts spirituality

  • Invents male-centeredness as a teaching of Jesus

  • Fosters anti-female attitudes

  • Censors the ceremony of the psychedelic sacrament

  • Protects institutions at the expense of the people

  • Protects the leaders of corrupt institutions

  • Violates human rights and Laws of the Universe

  • Hurts people

Waking up from Religious indoctrination is frightening and lonely. The scariest part is one’s support system, the one we need when we are in crisis, are often indoctrinated by the very poison one is trying to release. The people cannot hear beyond their own dogma. They can’t hold space for a person’s experience and out of their own fear they try to keep a person in religion. They might make a person feel crazy or like the ‘devil’ is ahold of them. This leaves the awakening person in an isolated state. There are so many psychological dysfunctions embedded in Abrahamic Religions. However; the most damaging is the belief that the members of ‘said Religion’ are ‘chosen’ and better than the rest of humanity. Everybody else, except them, has got it wrong.

Here is the truth: God hates religion. God hates religion because it keeps his people away from Him. God hates religion because it becomes a replacement for a relationship with Him. Religion is essentially idolatry. Siblings worship their man-made formations and structures ­their ideological idols formed in the concrete of inflexible minds. Religion is inevitably the result of man taking that which is of God and forming it, formulating it, in such a way that men end up "playing God."

Members of Religions claim to tolerate those with different beliefs but in reality they believe the only way to heaven is their ‘single story scripture’ and that everyone else is going to hell. These religions have twisted scripture to a point where they tell their members (who simply want to connect with God & the teachings of Christ) that any exploration or opinion different from theirs is evil. And, not only that, one will go to hell if one does not believe exactly what they say scripture says.

Due to this twisted spiritual programming, the person can’t freely explore the vastness of themeselves and their consciousness because religion has implanted a hellish fear mechanism into their psyche. This is a form of mind control and spiritual abuse. Psychologists call this Religious Trauma Syndrome.

You are not alone. If you identify with this, keep going. Trust in God to lead you. God loves your curiosity and your good heart. God’s love is not found in a book. No matter what someone tries to tell you, you are not crazy.

If you believe in Love, Kindness and Goodness you are commissioned - not only to see and hear and believe the wounded but also to care for them, to help heal their wounds and afflictions.

We must foster a culture that protects and heals our wounded: women, men, and children who did the right thing, and spoke their truth, only to suffer the humiliation of rejection, intimidation, and re-victimization but who nonetheless found the inner strength to share the truth no matter the consequences.

This is for the voiceless who have told their story to no one outside the circle of close and trusted family, friends, and counselors. We must begin to treat each other in a loving and kind way.

Last updated