Revoking WHO Immunity Agreement

The World Health Organization (WHO) was established in 1948, and its foundational document is the WHO Constitution. This document outlines the organization's purpose, structure, and functions. The issue of legal immunity is addressed in Article 73 of the Constitution, which states:

  1. Immunity from Legal Process: The WHO, its officials, and its property are granted certain immunities from legal process in member states. This includes immunity from arrest and seizure of its property and immunity from legal processes in its official capacity.

  2. Diplomatic Immunity: This provision is akin to diplomatic immunity, allowing the WHO to function effectively across various jurisdictions without being subject to the legal systems of its member states. It helps protect the organization from interference that could arise from national legal actions.

  3. Purpose of Immunity: The immunity is intended to ensure that the WHO can operate independently and effectively in addressing global health issues. It prevents the organization from being disrupted by legal claims and allows it to focus on its mission of promoting health and managing health crises.

We advocate for the passage of legislation to revoke the WHO's legal immunity within the United States jurisdiction. The immunity granted to the WHO under its founding document has posed significant challenges to seeking accountability for its actions. Revoking this immunity will allow for the legal pursuit of accountability and justice for any misconduct or decisions that have adversely affected global health and security.

In light of recent developments and concerns regarding the World Health Organization (WHO), we urge the United States to take decisive action to protect national interests and uphold the principles of accountability and transparency in global health governance.

We call upon the United States to formally withdraw from the World Health Organization. The decision to remain in the WHO has been increasingly questioned due to concerns over its handling of critical global health issues, including the COVID-19 pandemic. The withdrawal will enable the United States to realign its health policies and strategies according to national interests and priorities without being constrained by the WHO's governance and decisions.

Call for Military Action to Detain and Charge WHO Members Involved in COVID-19 Lockdowns

In light of serious concerns regarding the actions of certain members of the World Health Organization (WHO) during the COVID-19 pandemic, including their involvement in the implementation of lockdown measures, we are compelled to call for a decisive and unprecedented response to address these issues.

Military Detention and Charges:

We call for the deployment of military resources to detain and charge WHO officials who played a significant role in the decision-making processes leading to the COVID-19 lockdowns. The gravity of their actions, which have had profound impacts on public health, economies, and individual freedoms, necessitates such measures to ensure accountability.

Legal and Accountability Framework:

The deployment of military forces should be accompanied by a clear legal framework to ensure that actions taken are justifiable and align with international law. It is essential to establish a tribunal or court to adjudicate the charges and provide a transparent process for addressing grievances related to the pandemic's management.

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