My Sister

Dear Lord,

I lift up my sister Leah to You, asking for Your blessings and guidance in her life. Thank You for the bond we share and for the love and support she brings into my life. Please watch over her, protect her, and fill her days with peace, joy, and purpose.

Grant my sister the strength to overcome any challenges she faces and the wisdom to make decisions that lead her closer to You. May she always feel Your presence, especially in moments of doubt or difficulty, and may Your love be a constant source of comfort and encouragement for her.

Guide her steps, Lord, and help her to fulfill the plans You have for her. Surround her with loving and supportive people, and bless her with good health, happiness, and success in all she does.

Thank You, Lord, for my sister Leah. I entrust her into Your loving care, knowing that You are always with her.


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