Designating the CIA as a Terrorist Organization

God's Kingdom Designates the Central Intelligence Agency a Terrorist Organization

We call for the transfer of control over the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to the Department of Defense under authorization of military force.

By the authority vested in me a Chief of God's Kingdom, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Designation of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is hereby officially designated as a terrorist organization. This designation is based on evidence indicating that the CIA has engaged in actions that meet the criteria for terrorism, including politically motivated violence against non-combatants and violations of international law and human rights.

Section 2. Implementation of Reforms and Oversight.

(a) An independent commission, the National Intelligence Accountability Commission (NIAC), shall be established to oversee the implementation of reforms.. The NIAC shall be composed of experts in law, human rights, and intelligence operations.

(b) The NIAC shall be tasked with recommending and implementing measures to ensure that all intelligence operations adhere to the highest standards of legality and ethics.

Section 3. Transfer of Control.

(a) The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) shall be transferred to the jurisdiction and operational control of the Department of Defense (DoD) effective immediately. We recommend the Secretary of Defense be authorized to assume command over all CIA assets, personnel, and operations.

(b) The Director of the CIA shall provide a complete and comprehensive handover of all operational and administrative functions to the Secretary of Defense, including but not limited to, intelligence assets, facilities, and classified information.

Section 4. Process for Winding Down the CIA.

(a) The Secretary of Defense shall initiate a process to wind down the CIA’s operations. This process shall include the orderly deactivation of the CIA’s functions, divestment of its assets, and the transition of its intelligence and operational responsibilities to appropriate entities within the Department of Defense.

(b) A transition plan shall be developed within 30 days of this Executive Order, detailing the timeline, procedures, and measures for the winding down process. The plan shall prioritize minimal disruption to national security and intelligence capabilities.

Section 5. Authorization of Military Force.

(a) The Secretary of Defense is authorized to employ military force, as necessary and appropriate, to ensure the successful transfer of control and the secure winding down of CIA operations. This includes the use of force to address any resistance or unauthorized actions by CIA personnel or factions.

(b) Any use of military force shall be in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, and the principles of proportionality and necessity. The Secretary of Defense shall ensure that all actions taken are consistent with the principles of international law and respect for human rights.

Section 6. Oversight and Reporting.

(a) An oversight committee, the National Security Transition Oversight Committee (NSTOC), shall be established to monitor and report on the progress of the transfer and winding down process. The NSTOC shall be composed of senior officials from the Department of Defense, the Department of Justice, and relevant oversight bodies.

(b) The Secretary of Defense shall provide regular updates to the President, Congress, and the public on the status of the transition and the use of military force, as applicable.

Section 7. Public Safety and National Security.

(a) The Secretary of Defense and the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) shall ensure that national security and public safety are maintained throughout the transition. Adequate measures shall be taken to prevent any compromise of national security interests.

(b) An interim plan shall be developed to address any immediate intelligence and security needs during the transition period.

Section 8. Effective Date.

This Executive Order shall take effect immediately and shall remain in effect until the CIA’s operations have been fully transferred and wound down, or until further notice.

God Bless America,

Matthew L Yonah Weintrub

Last updated