The Deception of Secularism

Dear Secularism RIP

The Deception of Secularism

Secular means to separate God from society. The philosophy of the secular society involves the idea it would be good to have an unbiased and impartial government not subjected to religious control. In theory, this philosophy makes sense because organized religion is a scam and has causes this world immense pain and suffering for thousands of years.

Unfortunately this “good idea” has led to the creation of a society that is sick and falling apart at the seams. The idea of the secular society does not make sense to the enlightened mind. An enlightened mind has experience practicing the art of yoga (meaning union of one’s soul with that of Creator Gd). The gnosis of enlighment understands that it is impossible to separate the Holy Spirit from life because the Holy Spirit is one. Before the Tribes of Aim Yisrael were gifted names for the Most High, Moshe (Moses) used the phrase Ehyah Asher Ehyah — meaning that Creator is is all that is and all that will be, I am that I am.

To delineate there is a difference between the practice of religion and the practice of universal spirituality. Universal spirituality is the science of loving-kindness (חֶסֶד). It is universal because we know that clinical studies exist proving love, kindness, compassion, charity, volunteering, gratitude, laughter, grounding and natural foods are good and essential for our minds, bodies and souls.

We must re-infuse the system of capitalism with the principles of Universal Spirituality. When we accomplish the Great Merge, we will be on our way to establishing Heaven on Earth and pleasing God once again.

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