The Devil Controls America's Healthcare

The Healthcare Economy is a Satanic Succubus

America's healthcare system is a monstrous entity, draining the life force of its citizens while profiting from their suffering. This essay will explore how the healthcare economy, designed to make money off the sick, has become a succubus, feeding on the pain and misery of the American people. This diabolical system has reached a point where it is literally killing Americans, all in the name of profit.

America the Sick

The state of health in America is dire. Chronic diseases, mental health crises, and preventable conditions are rampant, and the healthcare system, instead of providing true healing, perpetuates these issues. Pharmaceutical companies, insurance providers, and medical institutions profit from maintaining this cycle of illness rather than curing it. This system, driven by greed, prioritizes profit over people, leaving countless Americans to suffer needlessly.

Did you know Americans are more sick and ill than ever before in modern history? In this technological age how can that be? Our kids are more sick than ever before?

How Sick Are We?

● 1 in 36 kids have Autism in the USA, 1 in 20 in California

● 1 in 12 kids have food sensitivities

● 1 in 5 kids have eczema

● 1 in 40 kids have childhood depression

● 1 in 5 kids have a mental health disorder

● 1 in 200 kids have OCD

● Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death in children

● 1 in 285 kids will be diagnosed with cancer before their 20th birthday

Did you know?

● Natural foods like raw milk are illegal

● Natural healing herbs like hemp and cannabis are illegal

● Natural healing medicines like psilocybin mushrooms and mda oil are illegal

● Private pharmaceutical companies fund their regulatory agencies like the FDA

● Government health agencies and officials can legally recieve bribes and kickbacks in the form of royalties

● There are no long term safety studies and analysis of ingredients used in childhood vaccines

A Satanic Economy

The healthcare economy in America operates like a satanic succubus, draining the wealth and vitality of its victims. It is a system that thrives on the perpetual illness of the population, encouraging dependency on medications, treatments, and procedures that often do more harm than good. This industry, under the guise of care, is designed to keep Americans sick and indebted, sacrificing their well-being at the altar of profit.

God's Kingdom: Welcome to A New Era of Wellcare

God's Kingdom will not tolerate this satanic industry to continue prospering. It is time to end the reign of the healthcare succubus and replace it with a system of wellcare—one that truly prioritizes the health and healing of the people. God's Kingdom will present wellcare solutions rooted in compassion, holistic healing, and prevention. The goal is clear: to bankrupt the corrupt healthcare economy that has enslaved so many, and to establish a system that nurtures life, not death.

The time has come for America to break free from the clutches of the healthcare succubus. God's Kingdom will usher in an era of true healing, where the focus is on well-being rather than profit. This satanic industry must be dismantled, and in its place, a system of wellcare will rise—one that serves the people, honors life, and glorifies the Creator. The devil's grip on America must be broken, and it must happen now.

Thy Kingdom Come Thy Will be Done On Earth as it is in Heaven

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