
'Truly I tell you, it is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.'

Charity holds a central role in the mission and identity of the church, serving as a tangible expression of its core values and beliefs. It reflects the profound teachings of compassion, love, and selflessness that are integral to the Christian faith. By engaging in charitable acts, the church not only meets the immediate needs of individuals and communities but also embodies the spirit of Christ’s love for humanity. Charity fosters a sense of unity and solidarity among members, creating opportunities for personal growth and collective service. Moreover, it strengthens the church’s witness in the world, demonstrating its commitment to justice and mercy, and fulfilling its divine calling to alleviate suffering and promote the well-being of all. Through charity, the church transforms its faith into action, bridging gaps between different communities and making a meaningful impact on society.

"Now listen, you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming on you. Your wealth has rotted, and moths have eaten your clothes. Your gold and silver are corroded. Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire. You have hoarded wealth in the last days."

The Importance of Tithing

Tithing is a biblical principle of giving God the first tenth of one's income as a sign of obedience and trust.

If you want to know what is truly important to a person, look at where he or she spends his or her money. Your bank statements truly reflect what you value.

Scripture teaches us that if you love God, then the way you use your money will reflect that love. God wants you to manage what you have for His glory—your time, talent, temple, testimony and treasures—and give back a portion of what He has given you.

Tithing is not some scheme that churches came up with to guilt people into forking over their cash so the church can pay the bills. It’s not in the least! We tithe because God said to do it. Read Malachi 3:8-12.

Let’s understand a few things as they relate to tithing:

  • Tithing means 10%. In other words, when we make $10, we give $1 to God. When we make $100, we give $10.

  • Our tithe is to be brought to the “storehouse”—in the Old Testament that was the temple, in the New Testament, that’s the church.

  • When we tithe, God makes us better off financially.

  • When we don’t tithe, God doesn’t just leave us alone, He actually often will make things financially worse.

Remember, God owns everything! So tithing is returning to God a portion of what He has given you. He allows you to keep 90% to manage your own needs. And, God wants you to test him in this: Reread Malachi 3:10b.

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