Legislative Branch Reform

A proposal to regulate corruption in Congress and in the administrative state.


The Legislative Branch of the US Government have demonstrated over time they often spend time serving themselves over serving the interestes of We the People of the United States of America.

The enrichment of the political class is very obvious. We the People have had enough and call for the ratitication of Constitutional Amendments to abolish financial corruption, enrichment and bribery of the political class. In addition to sparing itself from complying with measures it has made mandatory for others, Congress is violating of some of the laws that do apply to it, according to a 2011 report from the Office of Compliance.

Here’s a rundown of measures Congress exempts itself from:

  • Members of Congress are exempt from ObamaCare.

  • Members of Congress are exempt from vaccine mandates.

  • Members of Congress are exempt from insider trading crimes.

  • Members of Congress are exempt from FISA warrantless spying.

  • Members of Congress are exempt from the Freedom of Information Act.

  • Members of Congress are exempt from Keeping Workplace Rerodcs.

But as a recent report on the congressional workplace notes, “Congress has exempted itself from all of these requirements.”

Loopholes and Exemptions

While the STOCK act of 2012 was designed to prohibit Congress members from trading stocks using non-public information. By simply tracking the stock portfolios of members of Congress, it is blatantly obvious they are cheating the system.

Despite the STOCK Act, there are still several loopholes and exemptions that allow members of Congress to engage in insider trading. For example:

  • Members of Congress and their families are not required to disclose their stock trades until 45 days after the transaction, which allows them to profit from the information without being held accountable.

  • There is no limit on the amount of money that can be earned from insider trading by members of Congress.

  • Members of Congress are exempt from the insider trading laws that apply to everyone else, including the general public.

Examples of Insider Trading by Congress

There have been several instances of insider trading by members of Congress, including:

  • In 2008, Nancy Pelosi and her husband made over $100,000 in Visa stock after being given early access to the company’s initial public offering (IPO).

  • In 2012, several members of Congress traded stocks based on nonpublic information about the economy, including the Federal Reserve’s decision to bail out Lehman Brothers.

Proposed Reforms

There have been several proposed reforms aimed at closing the loophole and preventing insider trading by members of Congress. These include:

  • The TRUST in Congress Act, which would ban close family members of lawmakers from trading stocks while they are in office.

  • The Ban Conflicted Trading Act, which would prohibit members of Congress from trading individual stocks.

  • The Banning Insider Trading in Congress Act, which would prohibit members of Congress and their spouses from holding or trading individual stocks.

It's time to make these reforms permanent using the process for amending the constitution.

Section 1: Authorization of National Security Laws to Investigate Congress and Senate

The President, through designated national security agencies, shall have the authority to investigate members of Congress and the Senate for corruption, bribery, treason, and the misuse of insider information for personal financial gain. This authority includes the use of all applicable national security laws and investigative methods.

Section 2: Definition and Criminalization of Corruption and Treason

  1. Corruption and Bribery: Any act of accepting or soliciting bribes by a member of Congress or the Senate, or by any government official, shall be considered an act of corruption. Corruption, defined as the misuse of public office for private gain, is hereby criminalized.

  2. Insider Trading: The use of non-public information by members of Congress, the Senate, or their immediate families, obtained through their official positions, to trade stocks or other financial instruments is hereby classified as a criminal act of treason. This includes any intelligence obtained from "political intelligence" firms or other intermediaries that exist to skirt and cheat the rules of the system.

  3. Treason: For the purposes of this amendment, treason shall include acts of corruption and insider trading as defined above, when such acts undermine the integrity of the legislative process and the trust of the American people in their government.

Section 3: Use of the FISA Court

  1. FISA Court Authority: The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Court shall be empowered to issue subpoenas for the National Security Agency (NSA) to collect and review all communications records, including electronic, telephonic, and digital communications, of members of Congress, the Senate, and their immediate families when there is reasonable suspicion of corruption, bribery, insider trading, or treason.

  2. Financial Records: The FISA Court shall also have the authority to subpoena financial records, including bank statements, investment portfolios, and any other relevant financial documents, of members of Congress, the Senate, and their immediate families for the purpose of investigating potential corruption and financial crimes.

  3. Oversight and Privacy Protections: All requests for subpoenas must be accompanied by specific and articulable facts justifying the investigation, and all collected information must be handled with the highest standards of confidentiality to protect the privacy of individuals not implicated in wrongdoing.

Section 4: Penalties

  1. Asset Forfeiture: Any individual found guilty of the crimes defined in Section 2 shall forfeit all assets obtained through these unlawful activities. Such assets shall be seized by the federal government and redirected to a fund supporting the medical care of current and former soliders as well as low-income citizens.

  2. Prison Sentences: Individuals found guilty of treason, as defined by this amendment, shall be subject to a minimum prison sentence of 20 years to life, depending on the severity and impact of their actions.

Section 5: Retroactive Application

  1. Retroactive Enforcement: The provisions of this amendment shall apply retroactively to any offenses committed since January 1, 1990. This retroactivity is intended to ensure accountability for past actions by members of the political class.


This amendment shall be valid to all intents and purposes as part of the Constitution when ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States within seven years from the date of its submission to the States by the Congress.

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