Crypto Currency

Forking Bitcoin: A New Cyrpto Currency Standard

Vision: The Kingdom proposes to fork Bitcoin to create a new digital currency that addresses the challenges posed by the inflation of fiat currencies and the current concentration of Bitcoin supply. This initiative aims to establish a more secure, equitable, and sustainable digital currency standard, partnering with the tribes of Earth who are the stewards of over 80% of the planet's living ecosystem.

Rationale: Bitcoin, often referred to as digital gold, offers a robust solution to the inflationary pressures faced by fiat currencies worldwide. However, its adoption as a global standard is undermined by significant security concerns, primarily due to the large concentration of Bitcoin supply in the hands of criminal elements. This poses a risk to the integrity and stability of the Bitcoin network and limits its potential as a universal store of value.

Why Fork Bitcoin:

  • Security: Enhancing the security of the network by mitigating the influence of malicious actors who currently control a significant portion of Bitcoin's supply.

  • Equitable Distribution: Ensuring a fairer distribution of the new digital currency to prevent the concentration of wealth and power.

  • Sustainability: Collaborating with the tribes of Earth, whose stewardship over the planet’s ecosystems aligns with the principles of sustainability and responsible resource management.

Partnership with the Tribes of Earth: The tribes of Earth, who oversee a vast majority of the world’s living ecosystems, possess invaluable knowledge and practices that contribute to the sustainability of our planet. By partnering with these tribes, we aim to:

  • Promote Inclusivity: Engage diverse communities in the development and distribution of the new digital currency, ensuring that benefits are widespread and inclusive.

  • Leverage Indigenous Knowledge: Incorporate traditional ecological knowledge into the governance and operational frameworks of the new currency.

  • Foster Global Stewardship: Align the economic incentives of the new currency with the principles of environmental stewardship and sustainability.

Implementation Plan:

  1. Technical Development: Assemble a team of blockchain developers to create the new fork, incorporating enhanced security features and protocols.

  2. Distribution Framework: Develop a fair distribution model that ensures equitable access to the new currency, prioritizing communities and individuals currently underserved by traditional financial systems.

  3. Partnership Establishment: Form alliances with tribal leaders and representatives to co-create governance structures that reflect their values and practices.

  4. Education and Outreach: Launch educational initiatives to raise awareness and understanding of the new currency among global populations, emphasizing its benefits and principles.

  5. Sustainable Practices: Integrate sustainability practices into all aspects of the new currency’s lifecycle, from mining operations to transaction verifications.

Last updated