H5N1 Bird Flu WHO Disinformation Reporting

Executive Summary

Recent events have raised significant concerns about the accuracy and integrity of bird flu reporting by government agencies and international organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO). A disinformation campaign has come to light, wherein the WHO falsely reported the death of a man from bird flu, which was later confirmed to be untrue. This incident calls into question the reliability of current bird flu notifications and the possibility of foul play or misinformation influencing public perception and policy.

The Government of Mexico has released an urgent statement refuting the reports of misinformation.

Reference: https://www.gob.mx/salud/prensa/219-persona-relacionada-con-influenza-a-h5n2-fallecio-a-causa-de-enfermedades-cronicas-sector-salud

WHO Admits to Misinformation

The WHO has been forced to issue a public statement acknowledging that their attempt to create a Bird Flu scare was misinformation.

Furthermore, previous reports in the main stream media demonstrate that the US government's bioweapons program may be weaponizing bird flu with gain of function research.

Key Points for Investigation:

  1. Verification of Facts:

    • Incident Analysis: A thorough examination of the incident where the WHO falsely reported a bird flu death. This includes understanding the source of misinformation and how it was disseminated.

    • Cross-Verification: Establishing a protocol for cross-verifying bird flu cases and deaths with multiple independent sources before public announcement.

  2. Transparency and Accountability:

    • Disclosure Practices: Evaluating the transparency of reporting practices by the WHO and government health agencies. Ensuring that all data related to bird flu cases and fatalities are publicly accessible and regularly updated.

    • Accountability Mechanisms: Implementing mechanisms to hold individuals and organizations accountable for spreading misinformation.

  3. Impact of Misinformation:

    • Public Perception: Assessing the impact of misinformation on public perception and behavior regarding bird flu. This includes studying the effects on public health responses, such as vaccination rates and compliance with health advisories.

    • Policy Implications: Investigating how misinformation may have influenced policy decisions at national and international levels.

  4. Preventive Measures:

    • Misinformation Prevention: Developing strategies to prevent the spread of misinformation related to bird flu. This could involve collaboration with social media platforms, fact-checking organizations, and media outlets.

    • Education and Awareness: Launching campaigns to educate the public about the dangers of misinformation and the importance of relying on verified sources for health information.

Recommendations for Action:

  • Independent Investigation: Establish an independent panel comprising epidemiologists, public health experts, and information security specialists to investigate the false report and broader concerns about bird flu misinformation.

  • Strengthened Reporting Protocols: Revise and strengthen the protocols for reporting infectious disease cases, ensuring rigorous verification and transparency.

  • Enhanced Surveillance: Increase surveillance and monitoring of bird flu cases globally, leveraging advanced technologies like AI and big data analytics to detect and respond to outbreaks more efficiently.

  • Global Collaboration: Foster greater international collaboration to combat misinformation, involving stakeholders from governments, health organizations, academia, and the private sector.

Evidence of Bird Flu Bioweapon Development

Esteemed clinician and cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough is currently investigating H5N1 Bird Flu for signs of bioweapon development.

Dr. McCullough has a history of speaking truth to power. He has been called to testify multiple times in the US Senate, US House of Representatives, Texas Senate Committee on Health and Human Services, Arizona Senate and House of Representatives, Colorado General Assembly, New Hampshire Senate, Pennsylvania Senate, and South Carolina Senate concerning many aspects of the pandemic response. He has had years of dedicated academic and clinical efforts in combating the SARS-CoV-2 virus and in doing so, has reviewed thousands of reports, participated in scientific congresses, group discussions, press releases, and has been considered among the world's experts on COVID-19.

Gain-of-Function Bird Flu Proximal Origins of Current Strain from USDA Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory and Spreading in Migratory Wild Birds

Lycett et al have published that bird flu has probably been around for >100 years. Why is it suddenly a problem now? Evaluate the evidence for yourself. Gain of function research has enabled the jump into a wide array of water fowl and mammals. We should shut down gain-of-function bio-labs inside our borders as a national security measure. The animals will need to be allowed to get through the outbreak with natural immunity. Culling, veterinary and human vaccines will all make the problem far worse with more resistant strains.

References: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6553608/

"Steve, you're gonna be shocked. This [H5N1 clade] came from gain-of-function research, it appears, out of the USDA SEPRL in Athens, Georgia."

Reference: https://www.preprints.org/manuscript/202406.0060/v1

Gates Foundation Gave $9.5 million to UW-Madison and principal investigator Yoshihiro Kawaoka to modify, possibly through gain-of-function tampering, H5N1 Bird Flu.

In a project headed by both Yoshihiro Kawaoka and Ron Fouchier (he previously modified H5N1 to become airborne transmissible in ferrets at the Erasmus Medical Center), where they provided the two additional mutations that would be needed in Egyptian H5N1 viruses to create variants with the mammalian “transmissibility features” identified in the Kawaoka study. This indicates that the Gates Foundation funded bioterrorist-like activities involving H5N1, providing blueprints for other bad actors who may want to create a bioweapon.



The integrity of public health information is paramount, especially during global health crises. It is crucial to address these issues promptly and effectively to maintain public trust and ensure the safety and well-being of populations worldwide.

Last updated