The Kingdom Movement

The Kingdom Movement: Unifying the Church of Christ into an Economic Force for Good

At the end of times the lines between right and wrong have become increasingly blurred.

Heal Earth Church, the official Church of Christ, is dedicated to building a new movement that is rising within the Christian community—one that seeks to reclaim the moral high ground and stand firmly against the forces that threaten to undermine the very foundation of Christian values.

We are calling this movement, the Kingdom Movement, will only continue to gain momentum through the second coming Christ as believers across the globe unite under a common cause: to use their collective economic power to enforce Christian values and challenge companies, products, and services that promote agendas contrary to their faith.

Heal Earth Church is dedicating to unifying the Church of Christ into a formidable economic bloc. By leveraging the vast economic resources of the global Christian community, Heal Earth Church aims to create an economic environment where businesses that uphold Christian values thrive, while those that align with or promote a "satanic agenda" face financial ruin.

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