Indigenous Nations Bill of Rights

Executive Summary:

This proposal advocates for the protection of indigenous nations, their rights to self-determination, land sovereignty, and cultural heritage. It encompasses advocating for their independence, land rights adjudication through the International Criminal Court (ICC) and funding for indigenous medicine organizations.


For thousands of years, indigenous nations have endured colonization, resource appropriation, and ongoing marginalization at the hands of colonial secular Western governments. Throughout history, these communities have faced systemic oppression, displacement from their ancestral lands, and cultural assimilation efforts aimed at erasing their identities and traditions. Despite these injustices, indigenous peoples have demonstrated remarkable resilience, preserving their languages, knowledge systems, and spiritual practices against formidable odds. Today, as we confront the legacies of colonialism and the persistent challenges facing indigenous communities, it is imperative that we recognize and address the historical and ongoing injustices perpetrated against them.

Indigenous peoples worldwide face persistent challenges to their rights, including encroachment on their ancestral lands, cultural erasure, and economic marginalization. It is imperative to uphold their rights to self-determination, land sovereignty, and cultural preservation. This proposal seeks to address these issues comprehensively through legal advocacy, resource allocation, and institutional support.


  1. Advocacy for Independence and Land Rights: Champion the rights of indigenous nations to self-determination and land sovereignty, advocating for their recognition as sovereign entities and the adjudication of their land rights disputes through international legal mechanisms such as the International Criminal Court (ICC).

  2. Funding for Indigenous Medicine Organizations: Provide financial support to indigenous medicine organizations dedicated to promoting and stewarding traditional medicine, recognized as legitimate medicine by the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the World Health Organization (WHO). Support initiatives that preserve indigenous knowledge, promote sustainable harvesting practices, and ensure access to traditional healing methods within indigenous communities.

Implementation Plan:

  1. Legal Advocacy and Diplomatic Engagement: Lobby for the recognition of indigenous nations as sovereign entities entitled to self-determination and land sovereignty under international law. Advocate for the ICC to adjudicate land rights disputes and hold accountable those responsible for violations of indigenous rights.

  2. Resource Allocation: Allocate funding to indigenous medicine organizations to support their research, education, and advocacy efforts. Foster partnerships between indigenous medicine practitioners, scientific institutions, and healthcare providers to integrate traditional medicine into mainstream healthcare systems and promote cross-cultural understanding and collaboration.


The protection of indigenous nations is not only a matter of justice but also essential for the preservation of cultural diversity, environmental sustainability, and human rights. By advocating for their independence, land rights adjudication and funding indigenous medicine organizations, we can take significant steps towards ensuring the well-being and empowerment of indigenous communities worldwide. It is time to recognize and respect the rights of indigenous peoples as equal members of the global community and uphold their inherent dignity, autonomy, and cultural heritage.

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