Voter Fraud Confirmed in Georgia

Forensic Analysis: 1.7 Million Ballot Images in Georgia are Missing from 2020 Election Data

The Georgia State Election Board couldn't believe it when election expert Garland Favorito told them that Dominion voting machines in Georgia have a "defect" that causes in-person ballots that are accepted by scanners NOT to be counted.

They voted to accept Garland's petition for a new rule requiring election workers to write down vote totals from each ballot scanner to compare with what the machine ended up counting.

"The poll manager and two witnesses shall record the count of ballots from the tabulation tape on the recap form. If the poll manager or the witnesses have reason to believe that printed tapes are not a true and correct tabulation of the ballots scanned by the ballot scanner, the poll manager or witness shall document the reasons and evidence for that belief and inform the election superintendent, who shall take appropriate action, in his or her discretion, sot that the ballots in the ballot box associated with the ballot scanner are accurately tabulated."

We the People Declare a State of Emergency to Fix Hackable Georgia Election System

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