Be Thy Brother's Keeper: Ending Houselessness

Reimagining Homelessness Recovery through Communal Living, Psychedelic Therapy, and Holistic Support

Executive Summary: Be Thy Brother's Keeper Program

We propose a groundbreaking initiative to eradicate homelessness through the establishment of the Be Thy Brother's Keeper Program. This program will leverage a $10 billion fund, matched dollar-for-dollar by citizen contributions up to $10 billion, to create an innovative and comprehensive approach to ending homelessness in America.


Homelessness is a complex societal issue with far-reaching consequences. Traditional shelters often fall short, failing to address the underlying mental health challenges and lack of job opportunities that contribute to houselessness.


The Be Thy Brother's Keeper Program aims to:

  1. Develop an Open-Source Model: Create a replicable and transparent model to address homelessness using cutting-edge technology and community-based solutions.

  2. Quantify Success: Utilize data analytics to measure the effectiveness of various interventions in helping homeless individuals reintegrate into society.

  3. Support Decentralized Initiatives: Empower local initiatives that provide cost-effective housing and support services.

Key Components

  1. Communal Living:

    • Establish supportive, intentional communities that provide free, safe housing, shared resources, and a sense of belonging.

    • Design these communities to foster peer support, connection, and individual growth.

  2. Low-Cost Housing Development:

    • Fund the construction of affordable housing units through decentralized, community-led projects.

    • Promote innovative housing solutions that are sustainable and scalable.

  3. Open-Source Accounting and Financial Transparency:

    • Implement open-source financial technologies to ensure transparent use of funds and resources.

    • Foster accountability and trust within the community and among stakeholders.

  4. Job Training Programs:

    • Offer comprehensive job training and employment opportunities tailored to the needs of homeless individuals.

    • Collaborate with local businesses and industries to create pathways to stable employment.

  5. Faith-Based Addiction Programs:

    • Integrate faith-based initiatives to support individuals struggling with addiction.

    • Provide holistic recovery programs that include spiritual, emotional, and physical healing.

  6. Psychedelic Therapy Integration:

    • Partner with organizations to offer evidence-based psychedelic therapy as a means of addressing trauma and mental health issues.

    • Ensure that such therapies are conducted safely and ethically, with professional oversight.

  7. Holistic Support Services:

    • Provide comprehensive job training, education, and life skills programs to empower individuals to achieve long-term stability and reintegrate into the workforce.

    • Equip individuals with the skills and resources needed to secure employment and rebuild their lives.

  8. Farms and Work-to-Live Models:

    • Establish community farms where individuals can work in exchange for housing and other essential services.

    • Promote self-sufficiency and a sense of community through agricultural and cooperative living models.


  • Dignified Housing: Communal living offers a more humane alternative to shelters, fostering a sense of community and ownership.

  • Mental Health Transformation: Psychedelic therapy can address the underlying trauma and mental health challenges that contribute to homelessness, leading to lasting recovery.

  • Empowerment and Reintegration: Job training and support services equip individuals with the skills and resources needed to secure employment and rebuild their lives.

Expected Outcomes

  • Reduced Homelessness: A significant decrease in the number of homeless individuals through the provision of stable housing and supportive services.

  • Data-Driven Insights: Comprehensive data on the effectiveness of various interventions, allowing for continuous improvement and scaling of successful models.

  • Community Empowerment: Strengthened communities with increased capacity to address homelessness locally and sustainably.

  • Enhanced Transparency: Greater accountability and trust through open-source financial tracking and reporting.

  • Improved Wellbeing: Individuals experiencing homelessness would experience improved mental and physical health, increased social connection, and greater economic stability.

  • Stronger Communities: By supporting individuals to reclaim their lives, we create stronger, more resilient communities for everyone.

Call to Action

We urge policymakers, community leaders, and philanthropists to invest in this innovative approach to ending homelessness. By providing safe housing, evidence-based therapies, and holistic support, we can empower individuals to rebuild their lives and create a more just and equitable society.

Last updated