Why I Gave Away 1 Million Dollars

God visited me over many visions and he gave me instructions for how to build His Kingdom. I told the Lord I would do everything I could to help. I quit my job and began to figure out what was next. My journey began with a heartfelt prayer to God, asking for the means to contribute to His kingdom. Despite my intentions, I faced a significant obstacle: I lacked the financial resources to make a meaningful impact. The Lord gave me His promise that He would provide a way.

One night I was blessed with a divine vision. In this dream, angels appeared and commanded me to invest my funds into cryptocurrency. Though skeptical, I followed their directive with faith and commitment. Miraculously, within ten months, my modest investment had grown to one million dollars. I was overwhelmed with gratitude and felt that I was now equipped to fulfill my purpose of building God’s kingdom.

However, my initial joy was soon overshadowed by the allure of more wealth. My focus shifted from the noble intention of serving God to a more self-serving desire for financial gain. The pursuit of more money consumed me, and in my blindness, I failed to honor the original mission.

As a consequence, I experienced a rapid and substantial financial loss. Within a short period, I lost $400,000. Instead of reflecting on the blessings I still possessed, I became fixated on recouping my losses. This fixation led to further poor decisions and ultimately resulted in the loss of another $300,000. It was a harrowing experience, and the weight of my actions became increasingly unbearable.

It was then that God spoke to me once more. He reminded me of the warning He had given and the path I had chosen. “I gave you all you needed, but you became blinded by greed,” He said. “I have taken away what you do not need. Is $300,000 not enough?”

In that moment of profound realization, I understood the depth of His message. I had been given more than I needed, and yet my greed had led to my downfall. The true measure of my wealth was not in the numbers but in the purpose behind the resources I had been entrusted with.

Acknowledging my mistakes, I ceased all trading activities that day. It has been four years since that pivotal moment, and during this time, I have redirected my efforts toward serving God’s kingdom with the resources He has allowed me to retain. I have committed to using my remaining wealth to contribute to causes aligned with His will, focusing on building and uplifting the community as I was originally meant to.

This journey has taught me invaluable lessons about faith, humility, and the true purpose of wealth. It is not the amount of money we possess but how we use it in service of a greater good that defines our legacy.

Thank God for these lessons as I have found redemption and renewed purpose using my resources to honor the divine guidance I received and to fulfill the mission of building God's Kingdom on Earth.

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