False $Profits

Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves — Matthew 7:15

False Profits

In religion, a false prophet is a person who falsely claims the gift of prophecy or divine inspiration, or to speak for God, or who makes such claims for evil ends. In Christian circle Joel Osteen, is a famous false prophet, who preaches the Gospel of Money while he enriches himself but does little to actually live out the Gospel of Christ.

The goal of the game of business is to make profits. The idea is that there are many independent actors all looking to contribute to the collective good of the market and the best actors are also the most profitable. However; if that notion were true markets would not require regulation or intervention by governments. Financial fraud is one example of why governments have to intervene in capital markets. Fraud happens when a business or a businessperson deprives you of your money, capital, or otherwise harms your financial health through deceptive, misleading, or other illegal practices.

False Profits is a form of societal financial fraud. The phenomenon of false profits is acts as cancer upon the people it feigns to serve. False profits refer to the deceptive appearance of success in a business, where apparent financial gains mask the detrimental impact on society and the overall well-being of those involved with the enterprise. False profits is a stage IV metastatic symptom of the hyper-businessization of life that has led to the rise of false profits. False profits are one of the largest prime drivers of an economy that weighs its success using satanic metrics and not heavenly and godly ones.

False profits are a deception waged by the Lord of Darkness. It is no coincidence that false prophets and false profits sound the exact same when spoke aloud using the power of the word. It is because the Lord of Darkness was once in charge of music. Music we know is a form of sound vibration which another way of saying the word. Satan is a master deceiver of the power of His word.

At Heal Earth Church, we are dedicated to redesigning Earth’s economic systems to root out, abolish and banish false profits in order to restore the Lord’s Kingdom.

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