Mystery Babylon Revelead

"Mystery Babylon" is a term that originates from the Bible, specifically in the Book of Revelation (Revelation 17-18). It has been interpreted in many different ways throughout history, often symbolizing a corrupt or immoral system, city, or empire that opposes God's people and is ultimately destined for judgment.

Biblical Context: Revelation 17-18

In Revelation, "Babylon" is described as a great and powerful city that has become a symbol of evil, idolatry, and spiritual corruption. The phrase "Mystery Babylon" appears in Revelation 17:5, where it is written on the forehead of a figure described as the "Whore of Babylon" (often depicted as a woman who is drunk with the blood of the saints). This woman rides a beast with seven heads and ten horns, symbolizing a powerful and wicked entity. The text presents "Babylon" as a symbol of worldly power, wealth, and corruption that ultimately leads people away from God.

Interpretations of "Mystery Babylon"

  1. Historical Babylon: Some interpreters see a direct connection to the ancient city of Babylon, which was an actual city and empire in what is now modern-day Iraq. Babylon in the Bible often represents opposition to God's people. Historically, Babylon was seen as a symbol of human pride, idolatry, and rebellion against God.

  2. Rome: Many scholars and theologians believe that in the context of Revelation, "Mystery Babylon" symbolically refers to the Roman Empire, which was persecuting Christians at the time. Rome, much like Babylon, was known for its wealth, decadence, and oppression of religious groups. Some interpret the "seven hills" mentioned in Revelation 17:9 as a reference to the Seven Hills of Rome.

  3. Future World System: Some Christian eschatological (end times) interpretations view "Mystery Babylon" as a future global system or empire that will emerge in the end times—a system characterized by spiritual, political, and economic corruption. This system is often seen as aligning with the Antichrist and the forces of evil before the final judgment.

  4. Modern Applications: Various interpretations of "Mystery Babylon" have emerged in modern times, especially in the context of conspiracy theories or critiques of global political, financial, or religious systems. Some view "Mystery Babylon" as a metaphor for what they see as corrupt global powers or institutions, such as international banking, the United Nations, or even certain governments or religious institutions.

Symbolism of Babylon

In the Bible, Babylon is often portrayed as a symbol of human decadence, pride, and rebellion against God. The ancient city of Babylon is referenced in earlier biblical texts, such as the story of the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11), where humanity attempts to build a tower to the heavens, symbolizing their desire for autonomy and power apart from God.

"Mystery Babylon" in Apocalyptic Thought

In apocalyptic literature, "Mystery Babylon" has often been linked with prophecies of the end times. Those who subscribe to this interpretation believe that "Mystery Babylon" represents the final, corrupt world order that will emerge before the second coming of Christ and God's ultimate judgment.

In many ways, "Mystery Babylon" functions as a symbol of everything that stands in opposition to divine will: moral and spiritual corruption, materialism, false religions, and oppressive political systems. Its "mystery" lies in its spiritual nature, often seen as hidden or occulted power behind worldly systems.

Different Religious and Philosophical Interpretations

  • Evangelical and Fundamentalist Christians: Some view "Mystery Babylon" as a literal future empire or global system aligned with the Antichrist, often interpreted through the lens of current global politics or financial systems.

  • Catholic and Orthodox Christians: Interpretations are typically more symbolic, seeing "Mystery Babylon" as any system or power that opposes God's will, often with less focus on specific political entities.

  • Conspiracy Theorists: In certain circles, "Mystery Babylon" has become a catch-all phrase for modern political or financial entities, particularly those seen as powerful, secretive, or manipulative.

Mystery Babylon Revealed

Babylon is real. It has existed in various forms over thousands of years. In its current incarnation the cabal of Babylon prefers to call itself the New World Order. The reason the prohecies state that it is mystery Babylon is because Babylon has learned to hide itself in sneaky ways in the image of Satan. Satan - the great deceiver and Father of Lies - is known for his subtle nature. If Satan was an obvious dunce then evil would not flourish. So it is with mystery Babylon. What they did was setup colonialist governments that could be controlled via their proxies. These proxies are sovereign nations that have peace agreements with their host nations.

The City of London, the Vatican and Washington, DC are the capitals of mystery Babylon. Each is an examples of sovereign nations setup as proxies to run the world from the shadows. The Cabal of Babylon whom control the world's central banks use the City of London and the Vatican to shield their control. From the City of London, they control England by the Bank of England proxy. In the United States, it is through the United States Corporation created in 1871 and by the Federal Reserve proxy established in the coup of 1913. As they say all wars are banker wars.

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