Abolish Omnibus Spending Packages

Introduction: In recent years, the practice of bundling unrelated measures into omnibus spending packages has become increasingly common in legislative bodies. While proponents argue that such packages expedite the legislative process and promote compromise, they often lead to opaque decision-making, lack of accountability, and dilution of democratic principles. To address these concerns and enhance legislative transparency and accountability, this proposal advocates for the elimination of grouping bills together in spending packages. Instead, it advocates for a focus on single-issue bills, allowing for clearer scrutiny, more informed debate, and greater public participation in the legislative process.

Objective: The primary objective of this proposal is to promote legislative transparency, accountability, and democratic governance by abolishing the practice of grouping unrelated measures into omnibus spending packages. By requiring each bill to address a single issue, legislators and the public can more effectively evaluate the merits and drawbacks of proposed legislation, fostering a more robust democratic discourse.


  1. Enhanced Legislative Scrutiny: Bundling unrelated measures into omnibus spending packages often obscures the true content and implications of individual bills. By requiring each bill to focus on a single issue, legislators and the public can more effectively scrutinize the proposed legislation, ensuring that it aligns with the public interest and legislative intent.

  2. Accountability and Responsiveness: Single-issue bills hold legislators accountable for their voting records and allow constituents to more easily evaluate their representatives' positions on specific issues. This transparency fosters greater accountability and encourages legislators to prioritize the interests of their constituents over political expediency.

  3. Prevention of Pork-Barrel Spending: Omnibus spending packages are susceptible to the inclusion of unrelated provisions and pet projects, leading to wasteful spending and inefficiency. By eliminating these packages, lawmakers are compelled to justify each expenditure individually, reducing the likelihood of pork-barrel spending and promoting fiscal responsibility.

  4. Preservation of Democratic Principles: In a democratic society, transparency, accountability, and public participation are fundamental principles of governance. By focusing on single-issue bills, legislators uphold these principles, ensuring that the legislative process remains accessible and responsive to the needs and concerns of the electorate.


  1. Legislative Reform: Introduce legislation that prohibits the bundling of unrelated measures into omnibus spending packages. Require each bill to address a single issue, thereby promoting legislative transparency and accountability.

  2. Public Education and Engagement: Educate the public about the detrimental effects of omnibus spending packages on democratic governance. Encourage citizens to advocate for legislative reform and hold their elected representatives accountable for supporting single-issue bills.

  3. Oversight and Enforcement: Establish mechanisms for oversight and enforcement to ensure compliance with the prohibition on omnibus spending packages. Empower legislative bodies and oversight agencies to investigate instances of non-compliance and impose sanctions as necessary.

Conclusion: In conclusion, the elimination of grouping bills together in spending packages in favor of single-issue bills is essential for promoting legislative transparency, accountability, and democratic governance. By requiring each bill to focus on a single issue, lawmakers can uphold democratic principles, foster public trust, and ensure that the legislative process remains responsive to the needs and interests of the electorate. It is incumbent upon legislators and citizens alike to support this proposal and work towards a more transparent, accountable, and democratic legislative system.

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