Calling for Stolen Valor Charges V. Tim Walz

Tim Walz Commits Stolen Valor on National Television

In 2007, Tim Walz talked to C-SPAN about his military service:

"I spent 24 years in the National Guard, some of that full-time. I was an artilleryman. I deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. My battalion provided base security throughout the European theater from Turkey to England in the early stages of the war in Afghanistan. And that same battalion is now in Iraq at this time."

Here is a clip of Tim Walz calling himself a “retired Command Sergeant Major.” He’s actually a retired Master Sergeant. Lying about military rank on national TV in order to advance your political career is a clear violation of the Stolen Valor Act.

Tim Walz Claims He Deployed to Iraq during Speech as Govenor

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Tim Walz giving a 9/11 anniversary speech where he claimed to have “stood one night in the dark of night at Bagram Air Base in Iraq” and watched an American soldier’s body be loaded onto a plane. Bagram is in Afghanistan, not Iraq. Walz didn’t deploy to either.

Source Official Minnesota Government website:

Tim Walz Record Proves He Did NOT Deploy to Afghanistan

"As soon as the shots were fired in Iraq, he turned and ran the other way and hung his hat up and quit," said Tom Behrends, a retired command sergeant major who replaced Gov. Tim Walz on a deployment to Iraq.

Admission of Guilt by Harris Campaign

The Harris campaign has weaked Walz biography amid scrutiny of military credentials because they want to evade Walz's crime of stolen valor.

Harris campaign propaganda continunes to downplay the serious crime of Tim Walz.

Criminal Complaint V. Tim Walz

Assuming these reports can be corroborated as true, we call upon the Department of Defense to file Charges of False Claims of Military Service against Tim Walz.

Count 1: False Claims About Military Service


  1. The Plaintiff, the United States of America, submits this criminal complaint against Tim Walz for making false claims about his military service, specifically falsely representing that he deployed and served in Afghanistan.

Statement of Facts

  1. Tim Walz, a public figure and current Governor of Minnesota, has publicly stated on multiple occasions that he deployed and served in Afghanistan as part of his military service.

  2. Evidence, including official military records and statements from military personnel, indicates that Tim Walz did not deploy to Afghanistan during his military service. His documented deployments include service in Iraq and other locations but do not include Afghanistan.

  3. The false statements made by Tim Walz were disseminated through public speeches, social media, and official communications, leading to widespread belief in his false claims.

  4. Tim Walz’s false claims were made with the intent to enhance his personal reputation and gain public support, benefits, and respect that are reserved for those who have actually served in Afghanistan.


Count 1: False Claims About Military Service

  1. Tim Walz is charged under 18 U.S.C. § 704(b), which criminalizes making false claims about military service and decorations with the intent to deceive or gain an unlawful benefit.

  2. The Defendant’s actions in making false claims about his service in Afghanistan constitute a violation of this statute.

Request for Relief

  1. The Plaintiff requests that the Court:

    a. Issue a summons for Tim Walz to appear for a hearing on these charges.

    b. Determine the appropriate penalties for the Defendant’s false claims, including potential fines and/or imprisonment as per statutory provisions.

    c. Order restitution, if applicable, to address any reputational or other damages caused by the Defendant’s false claims.


  1. The Plaintiff respectfully requests that the Court take appropriate action to address the charges outlined in this complaint and ensure that justice is served.

Last updated