Why Secular Western Society Mocks Christianity

In contemporary secular Western societies, Christianity often finds itself a target of satire, criticism, and mockery. This phenomenon can be interpreted through various lenses, ranging from historical and cultural shifts to individual and societal values. The folks in positions of influence in secular society mock Christianity because they perceive it as a threat to their worldview and control.

Secularism, which advocates for the separation of religion from public and political life, has gained prominence in Western societies over the past few centuries. This shift is rooted in the Enlightenment era, which emphasized reason, science, and individualism over traditional religious authority. As secularism has become more entrenched, it has fostered a culture that often questions or critiques established religious norms, including those of Christianity.

Influential individuals or groups in secular society are guilty of worshipping false Gods like themselves. They view Christianity as opposing their values of hedonism, materialism, individualism, and darker aspects like normalizing pedophilia or worshipping Satan.

Secular citizens, who may prioritize a censored version of rationalism and empirical evidence, paints the Judeo-Christian belief systems as antithetical to their understanding of the world. Mocking Christianity is a way to challenge the natural Laws of God or what they label as irrational or outdated beliefs.

Addressing the mockery of Christianity—or any religion—in secular Western societies requires open dialogue and mutual respect. Christianity is based on true science. Science that can be proven true time and time again unlike much of modern science which is often found to be based on falsified data. By engaging in conversations that explore the reasons behind secular critiques and religious responses, societies can work towards a more nuanced understanding of each other’s values and beliefs.

Secular citizens mock Christianity due to a perception of it as a threat to their worldview is one perspective, it is important to approach this topic with an understanding of the complex interplay of historical, cultural, and individual factors. The dynamics of secularism, power, and worldview conflicts contribute to the broader phenomenon of religious critique and satire, reflecting deeper cultural tensions rather than a simple conspiracy or vendetta.

The mocking of Christianity is simply nothing more than blatant racism of non-indigenous persons. Christianity is based on the Indigenous Wisdom teaching of the Tribes of Aim Yisrael. It just goes to show the perversion and disgusting behavior of modern society and elitist in their treatment of Indigenous persons and Indigenous wisdom by refusing to include their perspectives and presence in the sham cultural movement of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI).

Only fools, who claim they are better than others, would make the case that Christianity is deserving of mockery. Indigenous Wisdom has long been proven by science and it will continue to be proven by science because it is true.

🕎Science of Torah

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