Personal Integrity

"The righteous lead blameless lives; blessed are their children after them."

The word is so powerful it was used to create the entire universe. So it remains that the word allows us to both create and to destroy.

Being good with your word is a rare skill in a world filled with deception. The Tribes used to value the word so highly that a liar might be exiled and banished for life. The Tribes felt that lying meant one was infiltrated with a dark spirit and it meant the entire community was at risk.

Personal integrity is needed now more than ever to establish God's Kingdom on earth. Personal Integrity is the quality of being truthful and honest with yourself and others, of intentionally aligning personal behaviors and actions to be congruently aligned with your own personal value system, moral principles, and ethics. It generally requires personal choice and commitment to align ourselves to stay consistent with personal values and ethical standards, so that when we speak we mean what we say.

Developing Personal Integrity is essential to becoming a stable, clear and trustworthy person that aligns your decisions in life with your chosen personal values. It is the milestone of building a strong character guided by ones chosen personal values, and is reflected in a person that is firmly centered in purpose and directed in life by their own core self.

We compromise our core integrity whenever we let others make poor decisions for us or when we betray a trust, betray our personal values, or betray that which we know is the truth for ourselves. When we compromise our Personal Integrity, we allow a back door vulnerability for dark force manipulation that many times descends even more darkness and chaos into the situation where we had made the compromise. To support the embodiment of our true essential nature, achieve consciousness expansion, it is imperative that we understand how to generate and maintain Personal Integrity.

Self-Inquiry upon Personal Integrity

To build and maintain personal integrity takes some effort and commitment, like developing the self-awareness that is required to define your personal values so that you can measure your behaviors and actions, in order to evaluate how aligned you are to your authentic self.

When you consciously participate to clarify personal beliefs and core values, the next step is to honestly assess how well you are doing, by reviewing yourself in a personal integrity report. It may be a powerfully positive process to review your core values and generate personal integrity reports annually, so that you can see how you are evolving and transforming, as you better stay aligned to your own personal value system.

This begins to develop more competency in self-leadership and life management skills, so that you are empowered to make positive differences from the values that you lead in your life. Real self-leadership and Self-Ownership begins when we have absolute clarity within the context of our personal beliefs and core values, which become the guiding principles we follow in our lives.

What are the most important Personal Values that motivate your life?

Choose up to five of the most important core values that feel the most essential to live authentically and express your highest purpose. Then focus upon those themes that you have chosen and evaluate if you are practicing and increasing these important values throughout your life.

In the context for reclamation of Christ consciousness, our personal core value system would be directly connected to the practices of God's Law. For example, for those dedicated to be of service to the God's Law some of our most important personal core values are:

  • Expressing Unity Consciousness, knowing we are all interconnected.

  • Expressing Unconditional Love and Compassion to Myself, Love Others and Love Earth.

  • Expressing Service to Others orientation to motivate personal actions.

One of the core values that you should choose is to Value Yourself equally to others, no matter what happens. To make this an important guideline in your life will help strengthen personal behavior to value yourself while in intimidating situations, which increases Personal Integrity.

Once you’ve defined some of your most important personal values, then inquire on each one to evaluate how you can better align your thoughts and behaviors with the meaning of each value. For example, ask three questions about the core values of expressing Unity, to help you accurately assess positive changes that you can make to be more authentic and within integrity.

  • What does Unity mean to me, how do I express Unity in my thoughts, behaviors and actions?

  • How can I better practice Unity consciousness throughout my life?

  • Am I practicing empathy with others to more deeply express Unity?

As you meditate and reflect on your life over the past year, assess if you have been authentic to your core values and the ways that you can improve your actions, to reflect integrity and authenticity in the future. Then ask: Am I living in Personal Integrity and what areas can I improve?

In the process of completing a personal integrity self-assessment and consciously choosing your value system based on what you know to be true for you, now is the time to take conscious steps every day to behave in ways that are consistent with your personal values.

  • Identify the behavioral traits that need to be addressed and are required to change.

  • Determine the underlying reasons why you have not behaved with greater personal integrity.

  • Observe the obstacles and other people that are used as excuses to lie or violate your personal values or moral code.

  • Commit to build authentic relationships through greater truthfulness, honesty and being open and direct.

  • Compile a list of tasks and behaviors in which you dedicate to become more trustworthy and honest.

  • Protect your basic human rights to be authentic and protect the rights of others, by respecting the decisions and opinions of other people.

  • When possible, be of service to others and live as an example for embodying truthfulness and integrity.

  • Be willing to honestly self-assess progress on your commitment to personal integrity, making adjustments along the way.

  • Look for the support of others who are inspiring examples of personal integrity, and have similar goals and personal values to be honest and trustworthy.

  • Develop Accountability for personal behaviors and actions, and if you make a mistake that impacts others or you break a promise, be willing to admit it and apologize.

As you gain clarity on identifying important personal values and how you can build and maintain authentic integrity, prepare a summary of key points that you can revisit for inspiration to help guide your life direction and purpose in the next cycle. Summarize the key points in your Personal Integrity Assessment for reference.

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