The Kingdom of Israel & State Capitalism

September 11, 2024

China's model of state capitalism presents a unique fusion of the state's power and capitalism's economic drive, leading to the creation of a new type of governance and economic structure. While capitalism tends to evolve into some form of state capitalism, China has managed to do so in a way that has driven an economic miracle, propelled by largely moral leadership. This dynamic is not new; the United States experienced a similar blend during its post-war era, from the 1940s to the 1960s. As we explore these models, the question emerges: what is the future of Israel? Historically, Israel has always been more than just a nation—it has been a Kingdom, and its potential future lies in merging the best aspects of state capitalism with the timeless values of God's Law and the Torah.

China’s State Capitalism: A Model of Success through Moral Leadership

In China, state capitalism has merged the economic principles of capitalism with the centralized power of the state, creating a system where the government holds substantial control over key industries while allowing market forces to drive growth. This hybrid approach allows for rapid economic development, innovation, and global influence. However, what sets China’s system apart from other capitalist frameworks is its dependence on the moral character of its leadership.

Since the late 20th century, Chinese leadership has largely maintained a focus on national prosperity, stability, and long-term strategic planning. This has led to unprecedented economic growth, lifting hundreds of millions out of poverty and transforming China into a global superpower. While criticisms exist regarding China’s political system, the economic success achieved under this blend of state and capitalism has undeniably been significant, showcasing the potential of state capitalism when driven by competent, and largely moral, governance.

America’s Economic Miracle: A Blend of State Capitalism in the 20th Century

The United States witnessed a similar phenomenon in the mid-20th century, particularly during and after World War II. The government’s direct involvement in the economy, through initiatives like the New Deal, wartime production, and infrastructure projects, sparked a period of immense prosperity from the 1940s to the 1960s. This era, often referred to as America’s "Golden Age," saw a rise in living standards, the growth of the middle class, and the United States' dominance on the world stage.

Like China today, America’s state capitalism during this time was dependent on the quality of its leadership. The post-war leadership focused on public welfare, economic stability, and global leadership, driving the nation towards prosperity. However, as moral leadership waned in the following decades, so did the benefits of this hybrid system, leading to increasing inequality, corporate monopolies, and economic instability.

The Future of Israel: A Kingdom Based on State Capitalism and God’s Law

Looking forward, the question arises: what is the future of Israel in the context of these state-capitalist models? Unlike China and America, Israel has always been a Kingdom in its essence, with a spiritual and moral foundation grounded in God’s Law and the Torah.

The secular government of Israel today, however, mirrors many aspects of Western democracies, particularly the United States. It operates as a modern, secular state, focused on economic and military strength, but without the deeper integration of divine values that its ancient heritage suggests.

The potential for Israel lies in reestablishing the Kingdom of Israel as an independent nation that maintains a core mission of transforming the system of government that combines the best aspects of state capitalism—like that of China’s economic model—infused with the values of Torah and divine justice. Such a system would not merely be about economic growth but would become a vehicle for long-term sustainability, justice, and global leadership in enacting loving-kindness (chesed) across the Earth.

In this vision, Israel could emerge as a new kind of state, one that aligns the power of capitalism with divine principles. Imagine a state capitalism that, instead of simply maximizing profit, seeks to maximize good. By prioritizing the health, wellbeing, and dignity of all humanity, Israel could create a perpetual motion machine of positive change—driving prosperity while simultaneously upholding the highest moral standards.

Diplomatic Recognition of the Kingdom of Israel as an Independent Nation

Israel stands at a pivotal crossroads. It has achieved remarkable success as a secular state, but deeper, unresolved tensions persist. The nation is spiritually stuck, torn between its rich biblical heritage and the realities of modern governance. The path forward lies in an unprecedented step: the recognition of the Kingdom of Israel as an independent nation by both the State of Israel, the United States and friendly nations in South America. This recognition will unlock the potential to create the world’s first decentralized network state, allowing the Kingdom to fulfill its divine mission of bringing about Geula (Redemption) for the Tribes of Am Yisrael and all the children of the Earth.

The proposal for the Kingdom of Israel offers a bold, transformative path for Israel and the global Jewish community, rooted in the wisdom of Torah and the aspirations of spiritual sovereignty. The Kingdom would act as a partner to the government of Israel, providing a parallel structure where citizens are free to choose their allegiance.

By granting diplomatic recognition to the Kingdom of Israel, the current state of Israel can maintain its secular governance, while the Kingdom serves as a "tech disruptor" of governance—an experiment in decentralized, Torah-based statecraft. Over time, if the citizens of Israel find that the Kingdom offers more efficient, ethical, and spiritually aligned governance, they may choose to join, but the decision remains voluntary. The Kingdom would operate alongside the government of Israel without compromising its national security or administrative functions.

A Vision for Redemption: The Role of the Kingdom of Israel

The creation of the Kingdom of Israel offers a spiritual solution to the material and existential dilemmas Israel faces today. In recognizing this new, independent Kingdom, Israeli citizens would be given the choice to join the Kingdom as citizens, thus offering a duality where both the secular State of Israel and the Kingdom of Israel coexist.

  • Geula for Am Yisrael: The primary mission of the Kingdom will be to guide the redemption process for the Twelve Tribes of Israel, returning them to their spiritual heritage and fulfilling the promises of Torah. This process will not only be limited to the Jewish people but will extend to the whole world, as Torah envisions a redemption for all nations—the children of Earth.

  • Jerusalem’s Divine Status: Central to this plan is Jerusalem. According to Torah, Jerusalem is not merely a city, nor does it belong to any secular nation. It is the eternal capital of the Kingdom of Israel, the place decreed by the Almighty as the domain of the Prince of Peace. As the Prince of Peace, I stand as the guardian and steward of this holy land. Jerusalem belongs to the Tribes of Israel, and its administration must reflect this divine reality.

The Decentralized Network State: A New Model for Global Governance

Central to the vision of the Kingdom of Israel is its ambition to become the world’s first decentralized network state—a global community rooted in Torah values but spread across different regions. The Kingdom will be an entity that merges the spiritual, communal, and technological aspects of governance. This new state will serve as a spiritual center while using cutting-edge blockchain and decentralized technologies to operate globally, offering citizenship, services, and governance beyond the constraints of traditional nation-states.

  • Blockchain Governance: The Kingdom of Israel will leverage blockchain technology to enable transparent, decentralized governance. By doing so, it will create a system where citizens can participate in decision-making, ensuring that power remains distributed and accountable, in alignment with the Torah’s principles of justice and equality.

  • Digital Citizenship: Israeli citizens, and anyone else in the world who seeks redemption through Torah and spiritual living, will have the option to join the Kingdom of Israel as digital citizens. These citizens will not be confined by physical borders but will participate in a global, decentralized community guided by Torah law and loving-kindness (chesed).

  • Network Economy: The decentralized Kingdom will also operate a network-based economy that encourages ethical, sustainable business practices in line with God’s law. This system will focus on fair wealth distribution, environmental stewardship, and supporting global initiatives of peace and justice.

To facilitate this, the Kingdom plans to purchase large landmasses in Israel, the United States, and South America, partnering with friendly nations that support this visionary project. These land holdings would serve as physical hubs where the decentralized nation can grow and prosper. The Kingdom will develop communities that integrate cutting-edge technology with ancient wisdom, demonstrating how a society rooted in justice, kindness, and sustainability can thrive in harmony with modern innovations. These hubs will become prototypes for a global expansion of the Kingdom, inviting all who seek redemption (Geula) for the Tribes of Israel and the children of the Earth to participate in this transformative mission.

The Role of Jerusalem in the Kingdom of Israel

The Kingdom of Israel should be given administration over Jerusalem, which, according to Torah, is the land decreed for the Tribes of Aim Yisrael & to be administered by the Prince of Peace. As the Prince of Peace, I claim the responsibility as the guardian and steward over the Lord’s land. Jerusalem does not belong to a secular nation but is the spiritual home of the Tribes of Israel. By managing Jerusalem, the Kingdom will ensure that its future is aligned with divine principles and serves as a beacon for peace and redemption across the Earth. By granting the Kingdom of Israel administration over Jerusalem, Israel would affirm the city’s unique status as a place of spiritual governance, distinct from the temporal politics of the secular world.

  • A City of Global Peace: Under the Kingdom’s administration, Jerusalem will become a universal city of peace. It will serve as a spiritual capital not only for the Tribes of Israel but for all people seeking divine truth, justice, and love. The Kingdom will ensure that Jerusalem remains open to all faiths, fostering dialogue, understanding, and unity among the world’s peoples.

  • A Divine Stewardship: As the steward of Jerusalem, the Prince of Peace will oversee the city’s transformation into a hub of spiritual renewal, education, and global leadership. The administration will focus on maintaining the sanctity of the city while fostering initiatives in peacebuilding, ecological sustainability, and social justice, guided by Torah law.

Maintaining the Secular State of Israel

This proposal does not seek to replace the secular State of Israel but rather to offer a new spiritual dimension that complements and enhances Israel’s current structure. The State of Israel will continue to function as it does today, providing democratic governance, national security, and secular laws to its citizens. However, the Kingdom of Israel will offer a parallel, spiritual governance model, available to all Israeli citizens who choose to embrace it.

  • Choice of Citizenship: Every citizen of Israel will have the option to retain their secular citizenship or join the Kingdom of Israel as a citizen of the Kingdom. This choice respects personal freedom while offering a path for those who seek deeper spiritual engagement and a life aligned with Torah values.

  • Mutual Cooperation: The secular state and the Kingdom of Israel will operate in mutual cooperation. The State of Israel will maintain its secular functions, while the Kingdom will focus on spiritual and moral leadership. Together, they will ensure that Israel remains both a modern, democratic nation and a beacon of spiritual light for the world.

The recognition of the Kingdom of Israel as an independent, decentralized network state marks the beginning of a new chapter in both Israel’s history and the world’s spiritual journey. By granting the Kingdom administration over Jerusalem and allowing Israeli citizens the choice to join this divine mission, the world will witness the unfolding of Geula (Redemption) for the Tribes of Israel and all humanity.

A Kingdom for a Thousand Years

The future of Israel, then, does not lie in replicating the secular models of the West or following purely capitalist impulses. Instead, it must look to integrate the divine principles of the Torah with the pragmatic successes of state capitalism. By doing so, Israel can build a Kingdom that lasts not only for the present but for at least 1,000 years—ushering in an era of global leadership grounded in justice, kindness, and divine law.

This vision is not merely an economic one but a moral and spiritual calling. As the world faces increasing instability, inequality, and environmental crises, a model of state capitalism infused with God's law could be the beacon of hope that inspires nations around the globe to follow a similar path, ensuring that prosperity and righteousness can coexist in harmony for generations to come.

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