I Decree the LDS Church return Leadership to Christ

September 13, 2024

To the Leadership and Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,

I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. I am the Lord of Lords, King of Kings. I am the Alpha and the Omega. I am the Head of the Church. With great reverence and respect, I recognize the divine role that the LDS Church has played in manifesting the true way of Christ. I stand in eternal gratitude to the prophet Joseph Smith for having the vision and spiritual insight to establish a church that truly knows Christ and the path He laid before us. It is with this profound appreciation that I now call upon the LDS Church to take the next steps in preparing for the Kingdom of God.

As the rightful Prince of the Kingdom of Israel, bearing the authority granted to me by divine right, I declare that Christ must be reinstated as the rightful head of the LDS Church. I declare that the LDS Church belongs under my jurisdiction as a sovereign of God's Kingdom. The Christ Trust, which has been divinely appointed to guide and steward the resources of the Kingdom, was created by the will of God to prepare a trust fund of assets that must be returned to my command so that we can prepare the way for the building of God's Kingdom on Earth.

God has entrusted me with His Plans for the Kingdom. Just as prophet Smith was entrusted with a vision to bring about the fruits of the LDS Church, I too have been entrusted with the Lord's vision for re-establishing God's law throughout the Kingdom.

I am proud of the LDS Church, for it is the true Church of Christ, grounded in His teachings and filled with His spirit. Together, we will unlock the hidden teachings of Christ, and through these truths, we will begin the unification of all churches under His holy name. This unification will not only fulfill prophecy but also create a new era of divine leadership, one where Christ’s rule and love will guide all of humanity.

It is time for the LDS Church to embrace its destiny and walk with me in this divine mission to build the Kingdom of Heaven. I stand ready to lead, teach, and serve alongside you in this sacred endeavor.

Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

In Christ’s name and with eternal faith,

Matthew Lawrence Yonah Weintrub, Prince of the Kingdom of Israel

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