750,000 Voters Removed from Rolls in North Carolina

The North Carolina Election Board just revealed that they have removed 750,000 names from the voter rolls, including 130,000 dead people and 290,000 registrations that were duplicates

This comes after Republicans filed a lawsuit, showing 225,000 names were unlawfully allowed onto the rolls because of a failure "to collect certain required identification information before the registration forms were processed."

This purge of exactly 747,274 is just the number purged in the last 20 months. So, I don't believe it includes the names challenged by the Republican Party, which means they still have hundreds of thousands more to remove.

How does a state of 10 million end up with almost a million ineligible registrations in the first place? In elections, sometimes separated by a handful of votes, having almost a million ineligible names on the voter rolls, plus rampant mail-in voting, is an Election Fraudster's dream.

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