A History of Evil & Genocide

A History of Evil

It took until 2022 for the Catholic Church to admit the genocide and other heinous crimes it committed in the name of “God and Jesus”. Here are small samples of their crimes:

  • The Roman Catholic Church makes an entirely false claim when it claims that Peter could represent Christ.

  • In AD 392, the same year Emperor Theodosius outlawed the Mysteries, Bishop Theophilus of Alexandria led a rabi mob into the Library of Alexandria, the most beautiful building in the world, and burned it to the ground.

  • Pope Pius XII denied eyewitness reports of mass executions during the Holocaust.

  • Systemically covering up tens of thousands of cases involving sexual misconduct by thousands of Priests and Clergymen.

  • The Vatican Bank helped Nazi Germany move money and gave Nazis asylum.

  • The Australian Royal Commission into Institutional Child Sexual Abuse concluded that Archbishop Frank Little regularly put his church's reputation ahead of the welfare of raped children.

  • Terrorizing Jews And Muslims For Hundreds of Years.

  • Murdering Countless Women As Witches Because Pope Innocent VII Was Paranoid.

  • Absolving Sins For Cash Payments, Including Sins Not Yet Committed.

  • Orchestrating The Fall Of The Knights Templar To Appease A Broke King.

  • The Roman Inquisition, During Which Judaism And Love Magic Were Serious Crimes13.

  • Imprisoning Galileo In His Home For Years Because He Suggested Science Was Greater Than God.

  • Cutting Funding For Immigrants Because Of Their Connection To The LGBTQ+ Community.

  • Working with the Chinese Communist Party to rewrite the Bible.

  • The Invention of Artificial Time, the Gregorian Calendar since 1582.

  • Abusing 200,000 Children in France.

Genocide, murder, pedophilia, rape, torture, and censoring the true message of Jesus are some of the routine crimes of the Institution that is the Catholic Church. Does this sound like a Church of God to you? The Church of Jesus? Or does it sound like the Church of Lucifer? I’ll let you find your own conclusions.

A Culture of Wickedness

History and modern headlines reveal a sinful, deeply flawed church and an unhealthy institution marred by acts of injustice, rape, murder, torture, genocide, corruption, abuse, misogyny, and oppression. Cultural problems result in patterns of abuse. We see this pattern over and over again through church organizations across the globe. Behaviors typically don’t happen in a vacuum; rather, they are an expression of an institution. The contemporary American church is wrecked with bickering and division, celebrity worship, unaccountable leaders, and false and shallow teachings.

These fake teachings passed off in the name of God and Jesus have infested modern church culture and almost all of western culture. However, these false teachings only serve one master: Satan, the Father of Lies. The Catholic Church has created a toxic “Christian” culture that preaches the lie that girls and women only hear god referred to as a male and the father. The exclusively masculine orientation of Christianity, the "ascendancy of the Son," has deeply affected life on earth and its people.

The global impact of 400-500 years of colonial imperialism by Christian nations of Europe and the U.S.A in the name of Christianity has had devastating consequences. To the extent that societies across the globe become "solar" oriented, failing to appreciate the gifts and attributes of the "feminine" as partners, they have contributed to male dominance. In reclaiming Mary Magdalene’s true importance in Christianity, we can help to restore balance in the world. In the United States, the “most free country in the world,” women were only granted legal rights within the last 100 years. There is still a movement to pass the Equal Rights Amendment, which would guarantee equal legal rights for all American citizens regardless of sex. Saudi Arabia, which doesn’t guarantee women full legal rights, was the only country in the world where women were forbidden from driving motor vehicles until 2018.

Would God, who is Love, and Jesus, who became the Light one with God, want you to believe you are a sinner, or would they want you to believe you are good, God’s child, eternal and everlasting, you are love?

Who would want you to believe you are born a sinner, that you can never be saved unless you pledge fealty to an organization and all else are condemned to eternal damnation? The Catholic Church teaches we are born in sin because they are led by the Father of Lies. It is a blasphemous organization that profanes the name of God, Jesus, and Mary and only serves the aims of Lucifer, Father of Lies.

For example, the growing Christian religion faced unexpected problems during the Middle Ages. The new religious structure needed more money with the rising number of priests, bishops, parishes, and churches. Due to these needs, they also invented celibacy to allow the church to own everything that belonged to their priests.

Moreover, they decided to invent more terrible outcomes for Christian followers if they didn't do what the bishops expected. In the ancient writings, there is nothing about asking the priest to ask God to release individuals from their sins…or even a place called Hell - where the people who broke God’s rules were said to go after death.

Another aspect that made the Church even more resistant in allowing the belief in reincarnation was related to the Crusades. During the Crusades, people offered all they had to the Church and fought in the name of Jesus. The religious fighters might have been less intent on losing their lives for their religion if they thought they would be reborn in the future.

When the Inquisition started killing people for heresy and witchcraft crimes, the religious society remained silent. Although they were losing neighbors, friends, and family, the Christians believed it was necessary to stay on the right side of the Church and Inquisition if they wanted to go to Heaven. A belief in the rules of karma and reincarnation wouldn't have allowed the leaders of the Inquisition to hurt so many people.

The Catholic Church and modern religion is corrupt. I don’t need to spend any more energy explaining that. I have compassion and love and forgiveness for the past but we are now called to be conscious co-creators in this moment. That means doing the right thing and speaking truth to power.

Last updated