
Executive Summary: Regulation and Licensing of Stablecoin Providers

In recent years, stablecoins have emerged as a transformative digital innovation, embodying the concept of digital cash within the global financial ecosystem. These digital assets are pegged to stable entities like fiat currencies, notably the United States Dollar (USD), ensuring minimal volatility compared to other cryptocurrencies. This stability makes stablecoins a crucial component of the digital economy, facilitating efficient transactions and serving as a bridge between traditional financial systems and the decentralized blockchain technology.

Benefits of Stablecoins:

  1. Enhanced Dollar Dominance: Stablecoins pegged to the USD bolster its dominance in online transactions, providing a reliable and stable medium of exchange in the digital realm. This stability reduces transaction costs and enhances efficiency in cross-border payments, fostering economic growth and facilitating global trade.

  2. Trust in USD Standard: The USD-backed stablecoins instill confidence and trust among users and businesses operating in the digital economy. By leveraging the USD's established reputation for stability and liquidity, stablecoins mitigate the volatility inherent in other cryptocurrencies, thereby encouraging broader adoption and integration into mainstream financial services.

  3. Financial Inclusion: Stablecoins promote financial inclusion by offering access to digital financial services to underserved populations worldwide. With lower transaction fees and faster settlement times compared to traditional banking systems, stablecoins enable individuals and businesses in remote or economically disadvantaged regions to participate in global commerce more effectively.

Call for Regulation:

Despite their numerous benefits, the rapid proliferation of stablecoins necessitates comprehensive regulation to safeguard market integrity, protect consumers, and mitigate systemic risks. Regulatory oversight is essential to ensure that stablecoin providers adhere to stringent compliance standards, including anti-money laundering (AML) and know your customer (KYC) regulations, thereby preventing illicit activities and maintaining financial stability.

Licensing Process:

To address these challenges, we propose the establishment of a licensing framework for stablecoin providers. Under this framework, firms seeking to issue or operate stablecoins pegged to the USD must demonstrate adherence to regulatory requirements set forth by relevant authorities. This licensing process would include:

  • Compliance Verification: Applicants must undergo thorough vetting to verify compliance with AML, KYC, and other regulatory obligations.

  • Financial Audits: Stablecoin providers must conduct regular financial audits to ensure transparency and accountability in their operations, including maintaining reserves of USD-backed assets.

  • Risk Management: Implementing robust risk management practices to mitigate operational and market risks associated with stablecoin issuance and redemption.

By implementing a licensing regime, regulators can effectively monitor and supervise stablecoin providers, fostering a competitive yet secure digital financial ecosystem. This approach not only promotes innovation and market confidence but also safeguards the broader financial system from potential disruptions.

In conclusion, while stablecoins offer significant advantages in the digital economy, proactive regulatory intervention is crucial to harnessing their full potential while mitigating associated risks. By establishing a licensing process and enforcing compliance with regulatory standards, policymakers can foster a resilient and trustworthy environment for stablecoin innovation, thereby supporting sustainable economic growth and financial inclusion on a global scale.

Draft Legislation: Stablecoin Transparency and Compliance Act

Title: Stablecoin Transparency and Compliance Act


Whereas transparency and accountability in financial markets are essential for maintaining trust and stability;

Whereas stablecoins pegged to the United States Dollar (USD) should be backed by assets of known value and reliability;

Whereas it is imperative to establish mechanisms to ensure compliance with regulations and standards governing stablecoin operations;

Be it enacted by the Congress of the United States:

Section 1: Definitions

1.1. For the purposes of this Act, "stablecoin" shall have the same definition as provided in the Stablecoin Regulation Act.

1.2. "US Treasuries" and "Issuer" shall have the same definitions as provided in the Stablecoin Regulation Act.

Section 2: Transparency of US Treasuries

2.1. The United States Department of the Treasury shall establish and maintain a registry of all US Treasuries held by stablecoin issuers for the purpose of backing stablecoins pegged to the USD.

2.2. The registry shall include detailed information on each US Treasury holding, including the issuer's name, the maturity date, the face value, and any other relevant details.

2.3. The Treasury shall conduct regular audits of the US Treasury holdings of stablecoin issuers to verify compliance with the requirements of this Act.

Section 3: Compliance Enforcement

3.1. If a stablecoin issuer fails to comply with the requirements of this Act, including maintaining a majority of assets in US Treasuries or providing accurate information to the registry, the United States Department of the Treasury shall have the authority to seize such non-compliant assets.

3.2. The Department of Justice shall have the authority to prosecute any stablecoin issuer found to be in violation of this Act, with penalties including fines, injunctions, and criminal prosecution as appropriate.

Section 4: Regulatory Oversight

4.1. The United States Department of the Treasury, in coordination with relevant regulatory agencies such as the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), shall oversee compliance with the provisions of this Act.

4.2. The Treasury shall have the authority to promulgate rules and regulations to implement the requirements of this Act and ensure the transparency and integrity of stablecoin operations.

Section 5: Effective Date

5.1. This Act shall take effect immediately upon its enactment into law.


This Act aims to enhance transparency and accountability in the stablecoin market by requiring issuers to maintain accurate records of US Treasury holdings and comply with regulatory requirements. By establishing a registry of US Treasuries and empowering the Treasury to enforce compliance through audits and asset seizures, this legislation seeks to safeguard the stability and integrity of stablecoin operations pegged to the USD.

Last updated