Moratorium on Childhood Vaccines

We call for a Global Moratorium on Childhood Vaccines

Executive Summary

This executive summary calls for an immediate moratorium on childhood vaccines to address growing concerns regarding their safety, efficacy, and overall impact on public health. The decision to pause the administration of childhood vaccines is driven by the need for comprehensive, transparent research to reassess current vaccination protocols and ensure the well-being of future generations.

Key Concerns

  1. Safety Issues:

    • Adverse Reactions: Increasing reports of adverse reactions and long-term health complications potentially linked to vaccines necessitate thorough investigation. Documented cases of severe allergic reactions, neurological disorders, and autoimmune diseases in vaccinated children have raised alarms among healthcare professionals and parents alike.

    • Quality Control: Variability in vaccine batches and contamination incidents underscore the need for stringent quality control measures. Ensuring the safety of each vaccine batch is critical to maintaining public trust.

  2. Efficacy Questions:

    • Vaccine-Preventable Disease Outbreaks: The resurgence of diseases like measles, mumps, and whooping cough in highly vaccinated populations questions the effectiveness of current vaccines. Evaluating vaccine-induced immunity versus natural immunity is crucial for long-term disease prevention strategies.

    • Duration of Immunity: There is growing evidence that vaccine-induced immunity may wane faster than anticipated, requiring booster shots that increase the risk of adverse reactions and add to the public health burden.

  3. Ethical and Legal Considerations:

    • Informed Consent: Ensuring that parents and guardians have access to complete, unbiased information about vaccine benefits and risks is essential for informed consent. Current practices often fall short of providing comprehensive risk assessments.

    • Legal Recourse: The legal framework surrounding vaccine injury compensation is inadequate, leaving affected families without sufficient support. Reexamining these policies is imperative to protect public health rights.

  4. Public Trust and Transparency:

    • Mistrust in Health Authorities: The erosion of public trust in health authorities due to perceived lack of transparency and accountability in vaccine promotion needs to be addressed. Open, honest communication about vaccine risks and benefits is essential for rebuilding confidence.

    • Independent Research: Funding and conducting independent research free from pharmaceutical industry influence is necessary to provide unbiased data on vaccine safety and efficacy.

Where are the Vaccine Safety Tests?

Did you know that none of the vaccines on the childhood schedule were tested against an inert saline placebo? Did you know that none of the trials were long enough to accurately measure harms?

Why has the Vaccine Scheduled Exploded Exponentially?

Proposed Actions

  1. Immediate Moratorium: Suspend the administration of childhood vaccines until comprehensive, independent safety and efficacy studies are conducted and results are transparently shared with the public.

  2. Establishment of an Independent Review Board: Form a board composed of independent scientists, healthcare professionals, ethicists, and representatives from the public to oversee vaccine safety and efficacy studies.

  3. Enhanced Monitoring and Reporting Systems: Implement robust adverse event monitoring and reporting systems to track and analyze vaccine-related health issues in real-time.

  4. Review and Reform of Legal Frameworks: Reevaluate the legal mechanisms for vaccine injury compensation to ensure they are fair and accessible. Strengthen informed consent procedures to guarantee parents and guardians receive complete and accurate information.

  5. Public Engagement and Education: Develop educational campaigns to inform the public about vaccine risks and benefits, the importance of ongoing research, and the measures being taken to ensure vaccine safety.

Physicians Earn Bribes to Vaccinate Children

Here is a payment schedule for Blue Cross Blue Shield. The schedule describes how Pediatricians receive a $400 bonus for a fully vaccinated child. The average number of kids per practice according to the JAMA Network is 1500. 1500 X $400 = $600,000 yr.

Pediatricians can earn a $600,000 annual bribe to vaccinate children. Awesome.


A moratorium on childhood vaccines is a precautionary measure aimed at safeguarding public health. By addressing safety concerns, efficacy questions, and ethical considerations through independent research and enhanced transparency, we can rebuild public trust and ensure that vaccination programs are both safe and effective for all children. This proactive approach is essential to protecting the health of future generations and maintaining the integrity of our public health system.

Last updated