Christian Women's Health Center

Proposal for a Church-Funded Pro-Life Fertility Clinic and Resource Center

Executive Summary

Christ is pro-life but to live and walk and breath the values of Jesus Christ, the Church must not be in the business of mandating what women can and cannot do with their bodies. What we must do is win with love and with grace and with kindness. Instead of attacking others and criticizing, we must become pro-active and offer our siblings an alternative.

I hear and I see Christian's trying to criminalize women for making a mistake. How dare you dear sibling for this is not the way of Christ. Instead of spending our time attacking and telling others how to live, let us now create a center that can be a vessel for change. A center that can focus and education on the benefits of adoption. As Christians we must step up and be the change for this is how the Kingdom is built.

I propose the creation of GraceLife Women's Center, a pro-life fertility clinic and resource center aimed at providing comprehensive support to women and families facing unplanned pregnancies.

This center will offer adoption counseling, prenatal care, parenting classes, and other essential resources to ensure that every child is born into a safe and nurturing environment. Our mission is to provide compassionate, faith-based support to mothers, empowering them to choose life and know that their child will be cared for by loving members of the their community.


  1. Provide Comprehensive Prenatal and Postnatal Care: Offer medical and emotional support to pregnant women to ensure healthy pregnancies and safe deliveries.

  2. Adoption Counseling and Services: Facilitate the adoption process, connecting birth mothers with adoptive families within the church community.

  3. Parenting Education and Support: Equip new parents with the skills and resources they need to raise their children in a loving and stable environment.

  4. Emotional and Spiritual Support: Provide counseling and spiritual guidance to help women and families through the emotional challenges of unplanned pregnancies and adoption.

  5. Community Integration: Foster a supportive network within the church community to assist families in need, ensuring that every child is nurtured and valued.

Services Offered

  1. Prenatal Care: Regular check-ups, ultrasounds, nutritional guidance, and access to healthcare professionals.

  2. Adoption Counseling: One-on-one counseling sessions to explore adoption options, legal assistance, and support throughout the adoption process.

  3. Parenting Classes: Workshops and classes on parenting skills, child development, and family bonding.

  4. Material Assistance: Provision of baby essentials such as diapers, clothing, and formula.

  5. Emotional and Spiritual Counseling: Access to licensed counselors and pastoral care for emotional and spiritual support.

  6. Support Groups: Peer support groups for expectant mothers, adoptive parents, and birth mothers.

Implementation Plan

  1. Establish a Clinic Facility: Secure a location within or near the church premises that can be equipped to provide medical and counseling services.

  2. Staffing: Recruit qualified medical professionals, licensed counselors, adoption specialists, and volunteers from the church community.

  3. Training Programs: Develop training programs for staff and volunteers to ensure high-quality care and support.

  4. Partnerships: Form partnerships with local hospitals, healthcare providers, and adoption agencies to extend the range of services available.

  5. Outreach and Awareness: Launch a community outreach program to raise awareness about the clinic’s services and encourage those in need to seek help.

Funding and Sustainability

  1. Church Contributions: Encourage regular donations from church members to support the clinic’s operations.

  2. Fundraising Events: Organize fundraising events such as charity dinners, auctions, and benefit concerts.

  3. Grants and Sponsorships: Apply for grants from pro-life organizations and seek sponsorships from local businesses and philanthropists.

  4. Volunteer Program: Develop a robust volunteer program to reduce staffing costs and engage the church community in the clinic’s mission.

Expected Outcomes

  1. Increased Support for Pregnant Women: Provide a safe and supportive environment for women facing unplanned pregnancies, encouraging them to choose life.

  2. Successful Adoptions: Facilitate the adoption process, ensuring that children are placed in loving and stable homes within the church community.

  3. Stronger Families: Equip parents with the resources and support they need to raise healthy and happy children.

  4. Community Engagement: Foster a sense of community and shared responsibility among church members, strengthening the church’s role in supporting life and family values.


By establishing a pro-life fertility clinic and resource center, Heal Earth Church aims to offer a compassionate and comprehensive alternative to organizations like Planned Parenthood. This initiative will reflect our commitment to the sanctity of life and the well-being of every child and mother in our community. We seek the support and prayers of our church members to bring this vision to life, ensuring that every child is welcomed with love and every mother is supported with dignity and respect.

Last updated