Designating Royal Families of Europe Terrorists

By the divine authority vested in me as Chief of God's Kingdom, on behalf of God the Most High, Almighty Lord, Creator of All that is and Will Be, and in accordance with the principles of justice and righteousness that guide our realm,

I hereby decree the following:

Section 1. Purpose and Findings

(a) The Kingdom of God is dedicated to upholding peace, security, and the moral integrity of our global community. As stewards of divine justice, it is our duty to identify and address any entities that seek to undermine these principles through harmful or coercive actions.

(b) Royal families across Europe have long benefited from a system that allows them to maintain significant wealth and power, often inherited through generations of privilege. This wealth, in many cases, is rooted in the exploitation of people and resources, both domestically and abroad. As the world strives to address inequality and rectify historical injustices, it is necessary to reconsider the role and privileges of these monarchies. After thorough investigation and reflection upon divine principles, it has been deemed that the Royal Families of Europe poses a threat to the welfare of humanity and should be addressed accordingly.


In an era where democracy, equality, and justice are paramount, the existence of royal families who wield immense wealth and influence without accountability is increasingly at odds with modern values. The historical accumulation of wealth by these families, often through exploitation, colonialism, and other unjust means, has perpetuated a vast disparity between the privileged few and the broader population.

Key Issues:

  1. Historical Injustice: Much of the wealth held by European royal families is tied to the exploitation of colonies, the slave trade, and the disenfranchisement of indigenous peoples. These families have rarely, if ever, been held accountable for these historical wrongs.

  2. Economic Inequality: In a world where billions live in poverty, the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few royal families is not only unjust but also a barrier to economic equality. This concentration of wealth perpetuates a cycle of privilege and power that is out of step with democratic ideals.

  3. Lack of Accountability: Unlike elected officials, royal families are not accountable to the public. They wield influence and enjoy privileges without the checks and balances that apply to other leaders. This lack of accountability is fundamentally undemocratic.

Proposed Actions:

  1. Arrest of Royal Family Members: Immediate arrest and detention of all members of European royal families, to be tried in international courts for crimes related to historical exploitation, corruption, and other injustices. These trials would be conducted transparently and in accordance with international law.

  2. Asset Forfeiture: The immediate forfeiture of 95% of the assets held by these royal families. These assets, amassed over centuries, should be redistributed to the public, particularly to those communities and countries that suffered under colonial rule and exploitation.

  3. Reparations and Redistribution: The seized assets should be used to fund reparations programs for the descendants of those who were exploited or harmed by the actions of these royal families. Additionally, funds should be directed toward initiatives aimed at reducing poverty, improving education, and fostering economic development in former colonies and disadvantaged regions.

  4. Abolition of Monarchical Privileges: The permanent abolition of all monarchical privileges, including titles, tax exemptions, and other benefits that royal families currently enjoy. This would ensure that no family or individual is above the law or the principles of equality and justice.

Conclusion: The arrest of European royal families and the forfeiture of their assets represent a necessary step toward rectifying historical injustices and addressing the profound economic inequalities that persist today. These actions would signal a commitment to justice, equality, and the rule of law, reaffirming that no one is beyond accountability. We call on the international community to support these measures and to work toward a future where wealth and power are more equitably distributed, and where historical wrongs are acknowledged and addressed.

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