Serving God

Hey God I want this! Hey God I want that! God why aren't you listening to me?!?

How often are we caught in a loop asking God for things? Ask and you shall receive we are taught. It's true God loves us and will help us do all the things because She wants what is best for us. But do we ever stop and ask God what she wants? What does God need from her children? Why did God put us here?

God, in Her infinite wisdom and love, created us with purpose and intention. She breathed life into us and made us Her Children, not merely to exist, but to fulfill a divine role in Her grand design. While it is natural to seek God's guidance and assistance, we must start asking, "Good Morning, how may I serve You, Lord?"

See God needs us. God needs you. You are not here by some random chance. God needs you to find your gift, your talent, that special sauce that makes you you and God needs you to go out into that big bad world and light it up with love and kindness and joy and good acts. God is counting on you. God is waiting on you. That's why God blesses you because God wants you to figure it out. Like any parent, God is cheering you on!

Life is tough. It's the school of hard knocks for a reason. Life is a bitch for a reason. It's there to help your soul grow. God is giving you opportunities to learn and hopefully fulfill the answer: how can I serve God?

You might be a comedian. We need that more than ever. Comedy makes everyone happy. You might be an artisan or an engineer or a barista. Maybe that is how you best serve God by serving your community.

So God needs us. God needs us to serve. God needs us to create a better world so that she can see all her children doing well.

Serving God and all of God's children transcends the satisfaction of self-centered desires. It aligns us with divine will and allows us to become conduits of God's love and grace in the world.

When we dedicate ourselves to serving God, we discover a deeper sense of purpose and joy. This path of selflessness fosters spiritual growth, strengthens our faith, and builds a stronger, more compassionate community.

In contrast, constantly asking God for things can keep us in a state of spiritual infancy, focused on our needs rather than the greater good. True fulfillment arises from serving others, reflecting God's love, and contributing to God's Kingdom on Earth. By prioritizing service over self, we honor the life God has given us and fulfill our divine calling, enriching our souls and the world around us.

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