Biblical Law Requires Death for Pedophiles

Biblical law is the law of Christ. Prophecy states that Christ will return to implement the Laws of God by bringing heaven to Earth.

Under various interpretations of biblical law, particularly those derived from the Torah, Old Testament, and New Testament, actions involving the sexual abuse or harm of children would be met with severe punishment.

  1. Torah and Old Testament: In the Torah (first five books of the Bible), child abuse, particularly sexual abuse, would be considered a grave sin. For instance, Leviticus 18 and 20 outline various sexual sins and their consequences, many of which carry the death penalty, including violations against children. The Torah emphasizes the sanctity of life and purity within the community, and those who defile or harm the innocent are to be removed from it.

  2. Law of Christ (New Testament): Jesus, in the New Testament, emphasized the protection of children. In Matthew 18:6, He says, "If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea." While the New Testament does not advocate for the death penalty as directly as the Old Testament, it highlights that causing harm to children is a severe offense, deserving the strongest condemnation.

In both traditions, the abuse of children is seen as a grievous sin, one that warrants the most severe consequences, including, in the context of the Torah, death.

Biblical Order Sentencing All Vatican Members Involved in Pedophilia to Death

All members of the Vatican involved in pedophilia must be sentenced to death for their crimes. There is no compassion nor leniency for those who dare adorn the robes and responsibilities of Church leadership. Leaders are held to a high standard of responsibility than the people, therefore; upon the return of Christ he will demand the death penalty for all Vatican members involved in pedophilia.

Only upon sentence of death will those members receive the Lord's salvation.

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