Call to Subpoena DHS Secretary and FBI Director

Dear Oversight Comittee,

Heal.Earth calls for issuance of subpoenas for DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and FBI Director Christopher Wray in relation to the investigation into the assassination of President Donald Trump.

Reasons for Subpoena:

  1. DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas:

    • Denial of Aid: Secretary Mayorkas should provide testimony regarding any denial of aid to President Trump.

    • Oversight of Secret Service: As the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, he has oversight of the Secret Service. Detailed information is required about the protocols and actions of the Secret Service before, during, and after the incident.

    • Endorsement of Secret Service Director: Mayorkas' endorsement of the Secret Service Director, who subsequently resigned, necessitates scrutiny to understand the circumstances and rationale behind this endorsement and the resignation.

  2. FBI Director Christopher Wray:

    • Open-Source Mobile Phone Data: Director Wray should answer questions regarding the collection, analysis, and utilization of open-source mobile phone data that may have been pertinent to the events surrounding the assassination. This includes the methods and findings from any related investigations.

These testimonies are crucial to ensure transparency, accountability, and a comprehensive understanding of the events and actions taken by federal agencies and their leaders in this matter.

I urge the committee to act swiftly in issuing these subpoenas to facilitate a thorough investigation.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter.

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