The Future is No More War

What does it mean to be Anti-Christ?

Christ stands for peace, for love and for life.

To be Anti-Christ, is to be the enemy of peace, of love and of life.

The ultimate enemy of love: Ritualistic blood sacrifice.

God needs his Children here on Earth. God does not need His children to be sacrificed. All war is a crime. Why? Because you are stealing life from God. You are stealing his children away from him. So you have committed a crime in the eyes of God.

We should not be so naive as to think that demonically drive energies have disappeared and that human sacrifice is not happening today. It is dear family. In the Bereisheet (Genesis) ancestral occult techniques are alluded to. These techniques of ritualistic blood sacrifice allow those performing them to capture the nefesh (נפש) energy (the universal energetic currency) of the animal or the human to build their own newest. This included the symbol blood sacrifice of the goat to the dark force of Azael (עֲזָאזֵל), whom modern Christians know as the Angel of Darkness, Ha-Satan (the adversary of Creator God).

Those who praise war. Those who praise the blood sacrifice of life. These are the true Anti-Christs of our time. Political leaders who praise war over the preservation of life are Anti-Christ. Persons who champion the ritualistic blood of another being are Anti-Christ.

The future is NO MORE WAR.

Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called children of God.

Aho Mitakuye. Blessings to all my relations. Baruch HaShem. Blessed be the name of God. Shalom Alecheim. May Peace by with you. Namaste. The light within me honors the light within you.

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