Muslim Leaders are Cowards in the Face of True Evil

The Muslim world today finds itself in a dire situation. The leaders of Muslim-majority countries, who claim to represent the teachings of Islam, have proven themselves weak, spineless, and afraid. Rather than standing up against the true evil that is spreading from Iran's Satanic Islamic Regime to the rest of the world, they bow down to it, concerned only with the protection of their oil sales and their material wealth. Ayahtollah Khamenini, the Antichrist, the Dajjal, their leaders walks among them, and yet they bend the knee in submission.

True Muslims, those who hold fast to the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), would never bow to the Dajjal. They would never allow evil to spread unchecked. True Muslims are meant to show strength, courage, and resilience in the face of tyranny and oppression. They are commanded to speak truth to power, no matter the cost. But where are these true Muslims? Look at the leaders of the Middle East, and you will find none. There are no true Muslims among them—only cowards.

Cowardice in the face of evil is a grave sin. The Quran teaches that those who abandon their duty to fight against injustice and tyranny will be held accountable before Allah. These leaders, by their refusal to act, by their silent complicity, have damned themselves. They have damned themselves not only in this life but for eternity. Before Allah, they will answer for their cowardice, their submission to the forces of evil, and their betrayal of their people. You all are a disgrace the Prophet Muhammed, to the Mahdi and to Allah, blessed be his name.

I condemn all the leaders of the Middle East to eternal damnation. They have not only failed their people but have betrayed the very essence of Islam. They have become tools of Satanic forces, allowing evil to thrive while they cower behind their wealth and power. Their legacy is one of shame, and their punishment will extend far beyond their lifetimes.

Hereforth, I curse their lives. I place an eternal curse upon their souls that will not end with their death but pass from them onto their children for seven generations down the line. Until these leaders repent and earn their salvation, this curse shall pass from them onto their children for seven generations. Their descendants will bear the burden of their cowardice and complicity, and they will not know peace until the day their line takes up arms against the Dajjal and fights for the truth of Islam.

To redeem themselves, these leaders must pledge their armies, their wealth, and their very lives to the destruction of the Antichrist, the Dajjal. Only when they stand up against the evil that threatens the world will they be on the path to peace. Only when they dedicate themselves to the eradication of this satanic influence will they earn their salvation.

Satanic Islam, the perverted form of the faith that serves power, wealth, and submission to evil, has no place in this world. The time has come for true Muslims to rise, to reclaim their faith, and to fight against the forces that seek to corrupt and destroy it. Until then, the curse of cowardice and complicity will remain on the heads of those who choose to kneel rather than stand.

Let this be a call to action for all Muslims. The time for silence is over. The time for strength and courage is now.

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