To Give is to Receive.

The world is in a continuous state of circulation and flow. Whether it is the water cycle, the breathing cycle or the changing of the reasons, everything is in constant motion. Giving and receiving is similar - they work together. In order to give, there must be a receive. Giving is about outflow and receiving is about inflow. The most important thing about giving and receiving is your intention behind it.

The simplest way to practice giving is any time you contact with someone, give them something. How can you do this? There are many ways to give and giving doesn't require money. Giving requires nothing but an action such as giving: a compliment, a smile, kindness, a flower, a note or simply listening to someone.

These acts of kindness may seems so small how can they make the world better? Think of these acts like your “data”. Your data combined with everyone's data is vast and powerful. Like data, acts of kindness aggregate to form an ocean of love.

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