DOD Steals $21 Trillion

When America collapses many will wonder why but we can easily point to the $21,000,000,000,000 stolen dollars as one of the reasons the US Treasury is broke as a joke.

MSU scholars find $21 trillion in unauthorized government spending

In 2017, Michigan State University economist Mark Skidmore and his team discovered $21 trillion in unauthorized spending within the U.S. Departments of Defense and Housing and Urban Development between 1998 and 2015. This finding led to the Department of Defense announcing its first-ever independent financial audit. Skidmore's investigation began after hearing about a report of $6.5 trillion in unsupported adjustments by the Army in 2015. His team’s work uncovered significant undocumented adjustments across several years, raising concerns about compliance with constitutional and legislative requirements for government spending. Skidmore and his co-author called for immediate investigations into these unaccounted expenditures.

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