Designation of the WHO as a Terrorist Organization

August 1, 2024

By the divine authority vested in me as Chief of God's Kingdom, on behalf of God the Most High, Almighty Lord, Creator of All that is and Will Be, and in accordance with the principles of justice and righteousness that guide our realm,

I hereby decree the following:

Section 1. Purpose and Findings

(a) The Kingdom of God is dedicated to upholding peace, security, and the moral integrity of our global community. As stewards of divine justice, it is our duty to identify and address any entities that seek to undermine these principles through harmful or coercive actions.

(b) The World Health Organization (WHO), a prominent global health body, has been subject to scrutiny due to its management of international health crises and its influence over global health policies. After thorough investigation and reflection upon divine principles, it has been deemed that the WHO poses a threat to the welfare of humanity and should be addressed accordingly.

(c) The evidence indicates that the WHO's actions and policies align with characteristics of a transnational terrorist organization as understood within our divine framework of justice and peace.

The decision has been made based on the following findings:

  1. Mismanagement and Ineffectiveness: The WHO's handling of global health crises, particularly the COVID-19 pandemic, has been marked by delays, misinformation, and inadequate response measures that have exacerbated public health threats and compromised the well-being of millions.

  2. Conflicts of Interest: There is substantial evidence suggesting that the WHO has been influenced by financial and political interests, undermining its ability to act impartially and effectively in addressing global health issues.

  3. Harmful Policies and Guidelines: The WHO has implemented policies and guidelines that have been criticized for their adverse effects on public health, leading to increased suffering and economic disruption across the globe.

  4. Lack of Accountability: The organization has demonstrated a troubling lack of transparency and accountability, failing to address serious concerns and complaints regarding its conduct and decision-making processes.

Section 2. Designation

(a) Effective immediately, the World Health Organization (WHO) is hereby designated as a transnational terrorist organization under the authority of God’s Kingdom.

(b) All assets and interests of the WHO within our realm are to be seized and placed under divine protection. Such assets shall be reported to the Divine Authority Office and any other relevant celestial bodies for appropriate action.

(c) All citizens and entities under the jurisdiction of God’s Kingdom are prohibited from engaging in transactions with or providing support to the WHO. This prohibition includes financial transactions, business dealings, and any form of assistance.

Section 3. Implementation and Oversight

(a) The Divine Council, in coordination with the Divine Treasury and other relevant celestial authorities, shall take all necessary steps to implement this order, including updating and maintaining lists of designated entities.

(b) The Chief of God’s Kingdom shall provide a celestial decree within 60 days of the issuance of this Executive Order, detailing the actions taken to enforce this designation and any further recommendations for addressing the threat posed by the WHO.

Section 4. Review and Adaptation

(a) This Executive Order shall be reviewed annually to ensure its continued relevance and effectiveness. The review shall consider any changes in the activities or status of the WHO that may warrant modification or rescission of this designation.

Section 5. General Provisions

(a) Nothing in this Executive Order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect the divine authority and responsibilities granted by the divine law to any member of the celestial council or entity thereof.

(b) This Executive Order shall be implemented in accordance with divine law and under the guidance of heavenly wisdom.


This decision reflects our commitment to safeguarding the health and security of our nation and the global community. We will continue to advocate for transparency, accountability, and integrity in international health organizations and will seek to establish new frameworks that better serve the interests of all people.

With Peace, Love and Blessings,

Matthew L. Weintrub Chief of God's Kingdom

Last updated