Government Spending On-Chain

We call for the transition of the US government to Blockchain Technology for Enhanced Transparency in Government Spending

Purpose: This memo proposes the adoption of blockchain technology to record and monitor all government spending. The objective is to bring unparalleled transparency to the Treasury and financial activities of the government, fostering greater trust and engagement with the public.

Background: Current mechanisms for tracking government expenditures are often opaque, inefficient, and prone to errors or misuse. Despite significant advancements in technology, the government’s financial management systems remain outdated, contributing to public skepticism about the integrity and accountability of public funds. To address these concerns, we must leverage cutting-edge technology to ensure full transparency and accountability.


The Pentagon Has Never Passed an Audit

The Pentagon just failed its audit — again. For the sixth time in a row, the agency that accounts for half the money Congress approves each year can’t figure out what it did with all that money.

For a brief recap, the Pentagon has never passed an audit. Until 2018, it had never even completed one.


In 2024, $20,000,000,000 billion is "missing" in California for their homelessness program.

Proposal: I propose the implementation of blockchain technology to place all government spending on-chain. Blockchain, with its decentralized and immutable ledger, offers a robust solution for tracking and verifying financial transactions in real-time. By adopting this technology, we can achieve the following goals:

  1. Transparency: Every transaction will be recorded on a public ledger, accessible to all citizens. This will provide a clear and comprehensive view of how taxpayer money is being utilized.

  2. Accountability: Immutable records ensure that all expenditures are traceable, preventing tampering or unauthorized alterations. This will hold all government officials and departments accountable for their financial decisions.

  3. Efficiency: Automated processes and smart contracts will streamline financial operations, reducing administrative overhead and minimizing the risk of human error.

  4. Public Trust: Open access to financial data will rebuild public confidence in the government's financial management, demonstrating a commitment to transparency and honesty.

Implementation Strategy:

  1. Feasibility Study: Conduct a detailed analysis to assess the technical and operational feasibility of transitioning to a blockchain-based system. This study will identify potential challenges and develop a roadmap for implementation.

  2. Pilot Program: Launch a pilot program within a specific department or for a particular type of expenditure to test the system’s functionality and effectiveness. Gather feedback and refine the system accordingly.

  3. Stakeholder Engagement: Engage with key stakeholders, including government officials, technology experts, and the public, to ensure a collaborative approach to the transition. Provide training and resources to facilitate a smooth adoption process.

  4. Full Rollout: Gradually expand the blockchain system to encompass all government spending, ensuring continuous monitoring and improvement of the system’s performance.

Conclusion: Embracing blockchain technology for government spending is a critical step toward modernizing our financial management systems and restoring public trust in government operations. By bringing transparency to the Treasury and embracing a tech-first approach, we can build a more accountable, efficient, and trustworthy government. I urge all department heads to support this initiative and contribute to its successful implementation.

Last updated