Investigating the FDA’s Private Funding as Regulatory Capture

We call for an Independent Government Commission to Investigate the FDA's Private Funding

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) plays a critical role in protecting public health by ensuring the safety, efficacy, and security of drugs, biological products, and medical devices. However, concerns have been raised about how private funding sources may be compromising the FDA's integrity and effectiveness. This executive summary outlines the need for a thorough investigation into these issues to ensure the FDA operates with the highest standards of independence and public trust.

Rationale for Investigation

  1. Potential Conflicts of Interest:

    • Industry Influence: Private funding from pharmaceutical companies and other stakeholders can lead to conflicts of interest, where regulatory decisions might be unduly influenced by industry priorities rather than public health considerations.

    • Regulatory Capture: There is a risk of regulatory capture, where the FDA may prioritize the interests of the industries it regulates over the health and safety of the public.

  2. Public Trust and Confidence:

    • Erosion of Trust: The perception or reality of undue influence can erode public trust in the FDA, leading to skepticism about the safety and efficacy of approved drugs and vaccines.

    • Vaccine Hesitancy: Concerns about the integrity of the FDA’s decision-making processes can contribute to vaccine hesitancy and resistance to other medical interventions.

  3. Scientific Integrity:

    • Independence: Ensuring that the FDA’s decisions are based solely on rigorous scientific evidence is crucial for maintaining the integrity of the regulatory process.

    • Transparency: Transparency in funding sources and decision-making processes is essential for holding the FDA accountable and ensuring its actions are in the best interest of public health.

Objectives of the Investigation

  1. Identify Sources and Extent of Private Funding:

    • Funding Breakdown: Provide a detailed breakdown of all private funding sources, including fees, grants, and other financial contributions from industry stakeholders.

    • Impact Analysis: Assess the impact of private funding on the FDA’s regulatory activities, including drug approvals, enforcement actions, and policy developments.

  2. Evaluate Regulatory Processes and Decisions:

    • Decision-Making: Examine how private funding might influence the FDA’s decision-making processes, including potential biases in approving drugs and medical devices.

    • Case Studies: Conduct case studies of specific FDA decisions to identify any patterns of undue influence or compromised integrity.

  3. Assess Compliance and Oversight Mechanisms:

    • Oversight Effectiveness: Evaluate the effectiveness of existing oversight mechanisms in detecting and preventing conflicts of interest and regulatory capture.

    • Policy and Procedure Review: Review FDA policies and procedures related to funding, conflicts of interest, and transparency to identify areas for improvement.

  4. Recommend Reforms and Safeguards:

    • Policy Reforms: Develop recommendations for policy reforms to eliminate or mitigate the influence of private funding on the FDA.

    • Strengthened Oversight: Propose measures to strengthen oversight and accountability, ensuring the FDA operates with the highest standards of integrity and independence.

Implementation Strategy

  1. Independent Investigative Commission:

    • Formation: Establish an independent commission composed of experts in public health, regulatory affairs, ethics, and law to lead the investigation.

    • Mandate: Provide the commission with a clear mandate to investigate the sources and impact of private funding on the FDA and to develop actionable recommendations.

  2. Stakeholder Engagement:

    • Public Hearings: Conduct public hearings and solicit input from a wide range of stakeholders, including consumer advocacy groups, healthcare professionals, industry representatives, and the general public.

    • Transparency: Ensure the investigation process is transparent, with regular updates and public reporting of findings and progress.

  3. Legislative and Policy Follow-Up:

    • Implementation of Recommendations: Work with Congress and relevant regulatory bodies to implement the commission’s recommendations, including legislative changes and policy reforms.

    • Ongoing Monitoring: Establish ongoing monitoring and reporting mechanisms to ensure sustained oversight and accountability in the FDA’s operations.


An investigation into the FDA’s funding sources and their impact on the agency’s integrity is essential to restore public trust and ensure the FDA operates independently and effectively. By identifying potential conflicts of interest and implementing robust safeguards, we can strengthen the FDA’s role in protecting public health and maintaining confidence in its regulatory decisions. This investigation will pave the way for a more transparent, accountable, and scientifically driven FDA.


Last updated