Community Engagement Act

Legislation to Require Public Servants to Commit 2 Hours Per Month to Community Service

Purpose: To enhance the relationship between public servants and the communities they serve, particularly focusing on low-income members, through regular and meaningful interactions.

Section 1: Title This Act shall be known as the "Community Engagement Act for Public Servants."

Section 2: Definitions For the purposes of this Act, the following definitions apply:

  • Public Servants: Individuals employed by government agencies at the local, state, or federal level, including elected officials.

  • Community Service: Voluntary work intended to help people in a particular area, especially low-income community members.

  • Low-Income Community Members: Individuals and families whose income is below the federally established poverty line.

  • Engagement Sessions: Meetings between public servants and low-income community members, which can be conducted in person or via online platforms such as Zoom.

Section 3: Community Service Requirement (a) All public servants shall be required to perform a minimum of two hours of community service per month. (b) This community service must involve direct engagement with low-income community members. (c) Engagement sessions should be designed to listen to the concerns, needs, and suggestions of low-income community members and to provide information and resources that may benefit them.

Section 4: Methods of Engagement (a) Public servants may fulfill this requirement through:

  1. In-person meetings held at community centers, public libraries, or other accessible locations within the community.

  2. Virtual meetings conducted via online platforms such as Zoom to accommodate those who cannot attend in person.

Section 5: Documentation and Reporting (a) Public servants must document their community service activities, including the date, duration, and nature of the engagement, as well as a summary of the topics discussed and any follow-up actions taken. (b) This documentation shall be submitted monthly to a designated oversight body within their respective government agency. (c) The oversight body will compile these reports and provide an annual summary to the public, ensuring transparency and accountability.

Section 6: Oversight and Compliance (a) Each government agency shall designate an oversight body responsible for monitoring compliance with this Act. (b) Public servants who fail to meet the community service requirement shall be subject to appropriate administrative actions, which may include additional training, counseling, or other measures as deemed necessary by the oversight body.

Section 7: Effective Date This Act shall take effect on the first day of the fiscal year following its enactment.

Section 8: Funding (a) Necessary funds to support the implementation of this Act, including administrative costs and training for public servants, shall be allocated from the general budget. (b) Grants and partnerships with non-profit organizations and private sector entities may be pursued to support the community service activities.

Section 9: Severability If any provision of this Act, or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, is held invalid, the remainder of the Act, and the application of such provision to other persons or circumstances, shall not be affected thereby.

Section 10: Amendments This Act may be amended as necessary to improve its effectiveness and address any issues arising from its implementation.

Last updated