Non-Profit Are Cleaning the Oceans

Our oceans are getting increasingly polluted, impacting marine life, economies, and human health. By developing, deploying, and scaling cleanup technologies around the world, we aim to remove 90% of floating plastic by 2040 — but we cannot do it alone.

While governments fail to address the fundamental issues confronting society, visionary individuals are stepping up, creating innovative and sustainable funding models to address the world’s most pressing challenges.

Ocean Cleanup Project

The Ocean Cleanup is a nonprofit organization founded by Boyan Slat in 2013, focused on developing and deploying technologies to remove plastic waste from the world's oceans. The organization aims to address the growing problem of marine plastic pollution, which poses serious threats to marine life, ecosystems, and human health.

The organization has developed a system designed to collect plastic debris from the ocean. This involves a floating barrier that captures plastic waste as it drifts with ocean currents. The collected waste is then brought back to shore for recycling.

River Interceptor Robots

For rivers, which are major conduits for ocean-bound plastic waste, the Ocean Cleanup has created the Interceptor, a device that captures plastic debris in riverways before it reaches the ocean.

Research and Monitoring: They conduct extensive research on the distribution and impact of plastic pollution and monitor the effectiveness of their cleanup systems.

Global Outreach: The Ocean Cleanup also focuses on raising awareness about the issue of plastic pollution and advocating for policy changes to address it.

4Ocean is a public benefit corporation dedicated to cleaning the ocean and coastlines from plastic pollution. Founded in 2017, 4ocean funds its cleanup efforts through the sale of bracelets and other merchandise, with a portion of the proceeds going towards ocean cleanup projects.

Their initiatives include organizing beach cleanups, operating marine debris removal operations, and supporting educational and advocacy efforts to reduce plastic waste. They also work on various conservation projects to protect marine life and promote sustainable practices.

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