Call for Military Tribunals and Capital Punishment

Heal Earth calls for the immediate establishment of military tribunals to investigate and prosecute all individuals involved in Covid-19 Bioweapon Development & Psychological Warfare. The severity of these actions necessitates a thorough and impartial legal process, ensuring that justice is served in accordance with the highest standards of law.

Charges of Treason

The actions of certain individuals and groups have undermined the sovereignty and security of our nation. These acts, if proven to constitute treason, represent the highest betrayal of our country. We call for those responsible to be held fully accountable under the law, facing charges of treason where applicable.

Charges of Biochemical Warfare

There are credible allegations that certain actions may have involved the use of biochemical agents, constituting an act of warfare against innocent civilians. Such actions are not only a violation of international law but also an attack on humanity itself. We demand that these allegations be thoroughly investigated and prosecuted, with those responsible facing the full weight of the law.

Call for Capital Punishment

In cases where individuals are found guilty of treason or engaging in biochemical warfare, we advocate for the consideration of the ultimate penalty—capital punishment. The deliberate betrayal of one's country and the use of biochemical weapons against civilians are crimes of the most heinous nature, warranting the most severe consequences.

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