Proposal for Strategic Alliance Between Israel & Russia


In light of recent global developments and the changing dynamics of international relations, the Kingdom of Israel proposes the establishment of a strategic and long-term alliance with the Russian Federation. This proposed alliance is built upon our shared religious and moral foundations, recognizing the deep historical and spiritual connections between Judaism and Christianity. This proposal seeks to outline the framework for this alliance, contingent upon key prerequisites, and to underscore the importance of this partnership in the face of global challenges.

Foundations of the Alliance

  1. Shared Faith and Values

    • Both Judaism and Christianity share common values rooted in the teachings of the Hebrew Scriptures. Jesus Christ, a Jewish rabbi from the land of Israel, represents a central figure in Christian faith and is revered as the Messiah who will return to rule Jerusalem. This shared belief in the messianic prophecy provides a strong foundation for mutual understanding and cooperation.

  2. Spiritual and Moral Alignment

    • The proposed alliance acknowledges that the Kingdom of Israel and the Russian Federation share a commitment to spiritual and moral values derived from our respective faith traditions. This common ground will serve as the basis for a collaborative effort to advance shared objectives and promote the common good.

Terms of the Alliance

  1. Mutual Support Against Globalist Forces

    • The alliance will focus on countering globalist agendas that seek to undermine national sovereignty and traditional values. Both parties will work together to resist globalist influence and safeguard the integrity of their respective nations.

  2. Support for Russia’s Transition to a New Age

    • Israel offers to support Russia in its transition to a new era, marked by alignment with values that honor God and uphold the teachings of Jesus Christ. This support will include diplomatic, economic, and cultural exchanges aimed at fostering a prosperous and spiritually aligned partnership.

  3. Prerequisites for the Alliance

    • Severance of Relations with Iran: Russia must publicly disavow its relations with Iran and recognize the Ayatollah of Iran as a key figure in the Anti-Christ alliance, known as the Dajjal in Islamic eschatology. This step is crucial to ensure that the alliance remains free from any associations with forces opposed to our shared values.

    • Commitment to Spiritual and Moral Principles: Both parties must affirm their commitment to upholding the values that unite Judaism and Christianity, ensuring that the alliance remains grounded in shared principles and ethical conduct.

Contingency Plan

In the event that the United States, under the influence of globalist forces, becomes an adversary to the Kingdom of Israel:

  • Strategic Reorientation: Should the current U.S. administration, particularly under figures opposed to traditional values, hinder diplomatic relations, Israel will seek to strengthen its alliance with Russia as a strategic partner.

  • Continued Hope for Reconciliation: The Kingdom of Israel will continue to support efforts to restore a favorable relationship with the U.S., including advocating for the re-election of leaders who align with our values.

The proposed alliance between Israel and Russia represents a historic opportunity to unite our nations under shared spiritual and moral values. It offers a path to resist globalist agendas, support mutual prosperity, and fulfill the prophecies related to the Second Coming of Christ. The choice before Russia is to remain true to its faith and values or to yield to opposing forces. We invite Russia to embrace this opportunity and join us in building a partnership that honors our shared heritage and advances our common goals.

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