Water is Life

Water is Sacred.

Water is sacred because Water is life.

Water is the Light of God manifested in the physical plane.

Water is the lifeblood of Mother Earth and all beings.

Without clean water there can be no life.

Water is not just a source of sustenance, but a source of healing, blessing, cleansing, and spiritual satisfaction. Water is medicine. It’s more than a resource, it is a basic human right that everyone deserves to have.

Every indigenous nation around the world prays to the water. We pray to the water because we know the water is alive. The water is alive with the Holy Spirit of the Lord. We call her Grandmother Water because she gives us life. Our faith traditions teach us to revere the water.

It’s why the Father of Lies Satan tries to defile and pollute the water. Heal the water and everything else will follow. This is commanded by God. As human beings we are commanded by God to protect and care for the water.

Today all of the water in our world is unclean. The pollution of water is very real and very sad. Water pollution is a worldwide phenomenon and is more than a physical crisis. It is spiritual warfare. It is a reflection of the pollution in our minds. Polluted false teachings that we are separate from the water. That the water does not contain the Holy Spirit.

You are a child of God made of water. You are born into this world through the waters of your Mother's womb. Over 70% of your body is water. So what happens when the water becomes polluted? Humanity becomes sick. Sick with the disease of selfishness, greed, ego, division, war and death.

Science proves that Water is alive and can feel emotions. Water holds the memories of the universe. The water on earth is older than the earth itself.

We can heal ourselves with water. When water is transformed into medicine, it has a healing effect on our bodies. The late Dr. Masaru Emoto was a Japanese Scientist who researched how the power of healing prayers and positive thought can change the molecular structure of water.

Water is mentioned a total of 722 times in the Bible, more often than faith, hope, prayer, and worship. In the Bible, it doesn’t take long for water to be mentioned. Right away in Genesis 1:2, “The earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters.” Water is such an essential component of life, it was created on the very first day.

In Revelations water is mentioned again, and it is almost the last words of the Bible. Revelations 22:17, “The Spirit and the bride say, ‘Come.’ And let everyone who hears say, ‘Come.’ And let everyone who is thirsty come. Let anyone who wishes take the water of life as a gift.” Water flows throughout the scripture, and this should remind us of its importance…both spiritually and physically.

Water has the power to heal, as can be seen from the stories of Naaman – the Syrian cured from his leprosy in the waters of Jordan (2 Kings 5:1-14) and the annual miracles at Bethesda in Jerusalem (John 5:1-9). Water has the power to purify, to provide deliverance, and it can also destroy evil and enemies as in the stories of the Flood (Genesis 6:17) and the flight of Israel from Egypt (Exodus 14:1-15:21).

The Elders from the Tribes teach our prayers and thoughts affect all our water, whether it is inside of us or coming through pipes from an aquifer or the river. Dr. Emoto proved that our prayers over water transforms it into medicine. Emoto is famous for his work in determining how human thought and different genres of music can dramatically change the molecular structure of water.

One experiment he conducted involved three glass beakers containing about a cupful of rice covered with water. For one month he said to one of the rice filled beakers “thank you.” The second beaker of rice was told “you’re an idiot” while the third container of rice was totally ignored. The rice which was thanked every day was fermenting after a month and smelled good. The rice that was told every day “you’re an idiot” turned black. The rice which was neglected turned green with rot.

Dr. Emoto stated this “experiment was an important lesson, especially with regard to how we treat children. We should take care of them, give them attention and converse with them. Indifference does the greatest harm. Numerous experiments aimed at finding the word that cleanses water most powerfully have shown it is not just one word but a combination of two: Love and Gratitude.”

There is no life without water. Always give love and gratitude to your water. Water is Life!

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