Ideological Subversion

Ideological Subversion is a psychological warfare tactic used by enemies of a nation and its people that seek to destroy its power structure through the methodical and gradual infiltration of its social, economic, academic and political control structures.

Brainwashing and social engineering methods are used to change the perception of reality within that nation-state to such an extent, that despite the amount of evidence or information that is available, the citizens are unable to reach a clear understanding of purpose in how to defend themselves, their families and their communities from hidden enemies within these subversion agendas.

These agendas are made against the people of that nation which include the ongoing perpetration of terrorism, false flags or insurgency which can be orchestrated from within that nation by those who have infiltrated or been recruited in powerful positions to carry out this purpose.

Ideological subversion is a form of mind control or brainwashing that happens gradually over time with repeated and consistent exposures to the same divisive messaging of inciting victims and victimizers, in which human tyrants and archons effectively use as a psychological weapon in order to demoralize and dehumanize the targeted population.

Obviously, it is the major desire of the dark forces in this world to get human beings to succumb to the temptation of playing out this role of subversion, and many are either supporting the satanic network unconsciously for selfish motivations or are in the cult themselves.

Infiltration of the academic institutions and educational systems for the purpose of ideological subversion are used by employing a range of demoralization tactics embedded within the curriculums that are designed for spreading disinformation and confusion.

The spreading of narratives containing contradictory information, fallacies and misconceptions, let’s say about shaping and promoting socialism or communism principles as the panacea to the failings of capitalism, are an effective way to infiltrate a range of social groups which can be effectively weaponized and manipulated over many years through information warfare and false flags.

In the Marxist-Leninist playbook it is known to take about 15 to 20 years to effectively demoralize a nation by targeting the education of its children through repeatedly exposing them to the ideology of the enemy.

An ideology used to justify the erosion and targeting of human freedoms that are freely given in the western value system of that particular nation-state. This is based upon the number of years that it actually requires to educate one to three generations of students by infiltrating the educational system with levels of

Marxist-Leninist ideology that has been ultimately designed for ideological subversion and collapse of that nation. The infiltration of the United States is designed to eliminate human freedoms while destabilizing the nation for the purpose of eventually succumbing to the Globalist Tyranny of the One World Order agenda.

As a result, many years ago the educational systems and scientific journals were infiltrated with content that was meant for the eventual ideological subversion of the western value systems in America, especially for the purpose of destroying the love of freedom and liberties that are included in ideas of American patriotism.

Demoralization of the population who has been slowly educated to hate the value systems in their nation and hate other citizens in that nation for whatever the reasons, brings on the greater social acceptance of the attempts made from outside insurgents, disaster capitalists and invaders to infiltrate and manipulate those involved in the fomented controversy and the protest movements.

Many of the grassroots organizations are infiltrated by unseen enemies seeking to co-opt the movement for their larger agendas of ideological subversion and governmental collapse. The psychological warfare involves the continual classification of citizens into ever smaller groups that are designed for radicalizing human interactions so that people are unable to resolve their differences and grievances.

The mainstream media propaganda is intended to fracture citizens further into these classification groups through divide and conquer tactics, by only focusing only on the extremist events, heated controversies while highlighting in the media the angry tensions between these groups, repeating it over and over again for inciting the outrage culture.

The promotion and emphasis of non-issues that only impact a tiny minority of the population are focused upon in order to side track and control the perception of the public to waste their time, energy and resources, while the infiltration occurs out of the spotlight to generate even bigger problems later on for the majority in that nation.

Thus, protests are more easily digressed into mob frenzy that carry out random violence and destruction of property, which is an effective tool to further destabilize that nations governmental system into an imminent crisis. The crisis continues into a rapid breakdown of law and order, with the mainstream support of base criminals and predators which are threatening to the safety of the people, while law abiding citizenry are fined or put in jail.

If the crisis levels continue to escalate and the stabilization of law and order is ignored and a modicum of safety is not returned to the citizenry, the insurgents or enemies of the nation continue to manipulate the crisis in order to push for their ideology to institute a violent change in the power structure and economy.

Ongoing crisis can lead to a civil war or hidden invasion by the primary forces of the insurgency behind the orchestration of this agenda. Cue the shoo in of the United Nations. Those taking on full control many times are authoritarians dressed up as benevolent dictators that are promising to be the savior to the people in that nation, selling them a bag of utopian lies.

This is essentially defining the nature of a political coup or an outside infiltration coup attempt to subvert the nation to an outside agenda of socialism or communism, or in current times the Techno-Totalitarianism.

These are satanic ideologies hidden in plain sight to usurp human freedom, individualism and self-sovereignty. This current process is the stepping stone being utilized for the destabilization of western power centers to eliminate democratic principles and human freedom entirely, in order to quietly slip in the technocratic government planned as the One World Order agenda.

The current controlling forces are behind the authoritarian government of the Chinese Communist Party of China and are the technocratic prototype that the Power Elite desire to bring into the western populations through the use of ideological subversion and insurgency.

More clarity of these events continues through gradual leaks of public disclosure through independent media sources which are happening in alignment with the support of Cosmic forces, bringing some relief from this onslaught.

Although these are shocking changes for many of the citizens on earth, it appears the global awakening is here and major revelations are to be made towards the end of the year.

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