Rights of Nature Treaty

The Earth does not belong to us; we belong to the Earth.

Executive Summary

The Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature (the “Alliance”) is a global network of organizations and individuals committed to the universal adoption and implementation of legal systems that recognize, respect and enforce “Rights of Nature”.

Rather than treating nature as property under the law, the time has come to recognize that natural communities have the right to exist, maintain and regenerate their vital cycles. Join us today!

Our members are a diverse network of scientists, attorneys, economists, indigenous leaders, authors, spiritual leaders, business leaders, politicians, actors, homemakers, students, activists: people from all walks of life in over 100 countries on 6 continents of North and South America, Africa, Europe, Asia and Australia who are looking to transform our human relationship with our planet.

The primary premise of the Alliance is that in order to ensure an environmentally sustainable future, humans must reorient themselves from an exploitative and ultimately self-destructive relationship with nature to one that honors the deep interrelation of all life and contributes to the health and integrity of the natural environment.

Rights of Nature Treaty

The Rights of Nature Treaty represents a landmark agreement aimed at fundamentally shifting humanity's relationship with the natural world. Grounded in the recognition of the intrinsic value of ecosystems, the treaty grants legal rights to nature, affirming its right to exist, thrive, and regenerate.

Key provisions of the treaty include:

  • Inherent Rights: Ecosystems, including forests, rivers, and oceans, are recognized as possessing inherent rights to exist, regenerate, and maintain their ecological integrity.

  • Responsibilities of Humanity: Human activities must respect the rights of nature, refraining from actions that degrade or harm ecosystems. States are obligated to enact laws and policies to uphold these rights.

  • Protection of Biodiversity: The treaty emphasizes the importance of preserving biodiversity, ensuring the diversity of species, genes, and habitats within ecosystems.

  • Environmental Justice: Future generations have the right to inherit a planet that is ecologically healthy and diverse, underscoring the intergenerational equity principle.

  • Enforcement Mechanisms: Violations of the Rights of Nature are subject to legal redress and remedies, promoting accountability for ecological harm.

The treaty represents a paradigm shift towards a biocentric worldview, recognizing that the well-being of humanity is intricately linked to the health of the natural world. By upholding the Rights of Nature, the treaty paves the way for a more sustainable and equitable future for all life on Earth.

Rough Draft Text

The Rights of Nature Treaty


Recognizing that the natural world is not merely property to be exploited for human gain, but rather a complex web of interconnected life deserving of inherent rights and protection;

Acknowledging the critical importance of maintaining the integrity, diversity, and resilience of ecosystems for the well-being of present and future generations;

Affirming the inherent rights of nature to exist, thrive, regenerate, and evolve;

Conscious of the urgent need to shift from an anthropocentric worldview to a biocentric paradigm that respects the intrinsic value of all life forms;

Hereby establish this Treaty to enshrine the Rights of Nature.

Article I: Right to Existence

  1. All ecosystems, including but not limited to forests, rivers, oceans, wetlands, and mountains, possess the inherent right to exist, flourish, and evolve within their natural habitats.

  2. No human activity shall infringe upon the right of ecosystems to maintain their existence and vital functions.

Article II: Right to Regeneration

  1. Ecosystems have the right to regenerate and restore their health and vitality following natural or human-induced disturbances.

  2. Humans shall facilitate the natural processes of regeneration and refrain from actions that inhibit or degrade the ability of ecosystems to recover and thrive.

Article III: Right to Diversity

  1. Every ecosystem has the right to maintain its diversity of species, genes, and habitats.

  2. Humans shall respect and protect the diversity of life within ecosystems, recognizing the intrinsic value of each species and the interconnectedness of biodiversity.

Article IV: Right to Clean Water and Air

  1. Rivers, lakes, oceans, and the atmosphere possess the right to be free from pollution, contamination, and degradation.

  2. Humans shall take all necessary measures to ensure the preservation of clean water and air for the benefit of present and future generations and the ecosystems that depend upon them.

Article V: Right to Ecological Integrity

  1. Ecosystems have the right to maintain their ecological integrity, including the functioning of natural processes and cycles.

  2. Humans shall refrain from actions that disrupt or degrade the integrity of ecosystems, such as deforestation, habitat destruction, and over-exploitation of natural resources.

Article VI: Rights of Future Generations

  1. Future generations have the right to inherit a planet that is ecologically healthy, diverse, and resilient.

  2. Humans shall act as stewards of the Earth, preserving and protecting natural ecosystems for the benefit of all life and ensuring the well-being of generations to come.

Article VII: Implementation and Enforcement

  1. States shall adopt laws and policies that recognize and uphold the Rights of Nature, incorporating principles of ecological integrity and sustainability into decision-making processes.

  2. Violations of the Rights of Nature shall be subject to legal redress and remedies, including restitution, restoration, and compensation for ecological harm.

  3. International cooperation and collaboration shall be pursued to promote the implementation and enforcement of the Rights of Nature at the global level.

In Witness Whereof, the undersigned, being duly authorized, have signed this Treaty on behalf of their respective governments, on this [day] of [month], in the year [year].


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