Petrine Doctrine: A False Teaching

The Petrine Doctrine

The "primacy of Peter" doctrine asserts that Jesus gave Peter, and Peter's successors, authority to function as the sole custodians of true Christian teaching and has since been passed on to each Pope.

Supporters of this doctrine point to one key passage of scripture, in which Jesus said, "you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church… I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven" (Matthew 16:18–19). A careful study of this passage and other scriptures, however, reveals something very different from what Benedict has in mind.

In the original Greek text, Jesus' statement is actually a play on words. The Greek word for "Peter" is petros (meaning a small stone), and the Greek word for "rock" is petra (a huge rock or mountain). The Bible clearly shows that Jesus Christ is the Rock (see 1 Corinthians 10:4; 1 Peter 2:4; see also Psalm 118:22; Isaiah 28:16). He was referring to Himself as the petra, and to His disciple Peter as the petros.

Scripture also shows that the Church was not founded on Peter alone, but was "built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone" (Ephesians 2:20). Jesus described His petros—Peter—as a foundation stone of the Church, along with the other apostles and prophets. However, Jesus Christ and His teachings would remain the true foundation of the Church. This is the true meaning of Matthew 16:18–19. Attempts to twist this verse into a statement of Peter's exclusive authority are simply not biblical. This is a false teaching!

This is why the Roman claim for power based on Peter's supposed primacy has never been accepted by the Eastern Orthodox churches, and why it was rejected by the Protestant reformers (see Civilization Past & Present, Wallbank, p. 133).

The outcome of this dispute is so evident in Mary’s gospel. No wonder Mary’s Gospel was excluded from the bible! We know that Peter does not believe Mary as many men thought of women as less than people at that moment in time. Peter does not believe that Mary was given secret teachings from Christ to pass on to the other disciples.

In the Gospel of Mary, Levi comes to Mary’s defense in Mary and represents a voice of the early Christian movement who believed Mary.

Then Mary wept and said to Peter, "My brother Peter, what are you thinking? Do you really think that I thought this up by myself in my heart, or that I'm lying about the Savior?"

In response Levi said to Peter, "Peter, you've always been angry. Now I see you debating with this woman like the adversaries. But if the Savior made her worthy, who are you then to reject her? Surely the Savior knows her very well. That's why he loved her more than us. "Rather we should be ashamed, clothe ourselves with perfect Humanity, acquire it for ourselves as he instructed us, and preach the gospel, not laying down any other rule or other law beyond what the Savior said."

By 594, Pope Gregory’s homily 33, would rebrand Saint Mary as a prostitute. Mary’s status as the companion of Christ, the first to receive his teachings on how to perceive him from within the heart and how to become one with God would be lost for millenia.

Mary is the Apostle of the Apostles and she is the only one Christ would rightfully anoint to lead his church!

Ex-Communicating the Vatican

It is my belief that the Catholic Church, with its vast influence and claims of authority, represents a significant part of the Babylonian system prophesied in Scripture. The notion that the Pope can claim authority as the vicar of Christ, essentially placing himself in the position of Christ on earth, is a blasphemy that distorts the true nature of Christian leadership as intended by the Scriptures. This position not only misleads countless souls but also undermines the foundational teachings of Christ and the apostles.

The Vatican, as the center of this deception, has long been a hub of political and spiritual power that contradicts the humility and servant leadership exemplified by Christ. Given this, it is my conviction that the entire Vatican, along with its hierarchy, should be excommunicated from the true Church of Christ. Only by separating from this institution can believers maintain the purity of the Gospel and align themselves with the true teachings of Jesus Christ.

I hereby declare the Pope and Vatican ex-communicated from the Church of Christ and sentenced to eternal damnation. These crimes can resolved by dissolving the Vatican and returning the operational control over the Catholic Church to myself for I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.

The Vatican

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