Why the CIA Killed President Kennedy

Motive #1: Ending the Vietnam War

There are two main theories to explain why the CIA killed President Kennedy. The first motive has to due with intelligence which shows that President Kennedy was negotating a peace deal with Vietnam and deal to normalize relations with Cuba.

The irony is that I am sharing the testimony of Nicolas Maduro, who is a satanists and narco dictator of Venezuela, who does a great job explaining the story:

Motive #2: The Bush CIA Cartel

“Under the CIA program code-named ZRRIFLE, foreign heads of state who stood in the way of American control of the drug traffic were targeted for assassination; this program is essential to understanding the origins of the plot against President Kennedy.”

– Rogue Elephant: The Drug Trade, the Kennedy Assassination, and the War in Vietnam, Kent Heiner, 2001, (2)

George H.W. Bush is quite an accomplished man for a traitor. FBI documents reveal that George Bush was directly involved in the 1963 murder of President John Kennedy. George Bush was directly involved in the watergate scandal and the Reagan assassination too.

Bush Sr. has long been a CIA operative who kept his cover even while embedded in the White House and as President. Bush Sr. got greedy and decided to create a rogue shadow government using the CIA resources to commandeer and control the United States of American in lockstep with the Cabal of Babylon.

This faction of the CIA, which we will call the Bush-CIA, is also called the Bush Crime Family. Intelligence exists to suggest the motive for John F. Kennedy assassination was in relationship to George Bush's rogue CIA operations to control drug smuggling operations inside the United States.

CIA: The World's Largest Narco-Terrorism Operation

The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade published in 1991 was the first book to prove CIA and U.S. government complicity in global drug trafficking. The Politics of Heroin includes meticulous documentation of dishonesty and dirty dealings at the highest levels from the Cold War until the modern era.

Maintaining a global perspective, this groundbreaking study details the mechanics of drug trafficking in Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and South and Central America.

The book details U.S. involvement in the narcotics trade in Afghanistan and Pakistan before and after the fall of the Taliban, and how U.S. drug policy in Central America and Colombia has increased the global supply of illicit drugs.

Today intelligence exists that shows the CIA is the biggest drug smuggling organization in the world.


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